Holy priest is the best class right now [joke]

Dear Microsoft-Xbox-Activision-Blizzard,

Go freak yourself,
You have no excuse for being that despicably bad at players feedback and customer satisfaction. People have been giving you lots of feedback over the weeks.

No excuse for ignoring holy priest consistently patch after patch. Not even a single line in a patch note since forever. Just change something idk… DO SOMETHING. I’m not even mad about the fact that we are bottom in rated pvp thats not even it but the fact that you make NO ATTEMPT at even slightly change anything means you just don’t care. I hope someone gives blizzard the ability to change things (like hiring people) instead of squeezing every ounce of money from the company after that very costly aquisition from microsoft and the golden retirement for bobby.

I’ll be happy just to see 1 line concerning Holy priest next patch.
Rant finished.


Yeah it’s very disheartening seeing nothing in the patch notes .

I think it’s because they view Disc/Holy as interchangeable - as long as Priests have a viable healing spec it’s all fine. It’s a kind of either/or situation.

I don’t think giving Holy a viable 5-man aoe heal would be game-breaking and it certainly wouldn’t eat into Disc territory. It’s a no-brainer that everyone can see so there must be something else up? It really is an odd situation currently.

I think Blizz is mostly concerned with raid balance. When you look at warcraflog stats:


You can see that Holy performs a teeny tiny bit better than Disc. Also, when you look at the parses below, you can see that there are 22,3k for Holy Priests and only 3,3k for Disc Priests.

This might lead Blizz to belive that players are ok with the way Holy is right now - which is why we don’t get any tuning.

Certainly could be but it seems incredibly short-sighted if it is.

So Holy works in one neeche szenario and Blizzard think its fine

Its needs big damage buffs

Also Holy fire should debuff the target too reduce its damage vs targets that get healt by your mastery

Patchnotes Blizzard should bring:

  • Renew Healing increase 50%
  • Flash Heal and Heal Healing increase 15% and mana cost reduce by 50%
  • Smite damage increse 30% and restore 1% basemana per cast
  • Holy Fire damage increase by 40%
  • Chastise damage increase by 30% and last 1 sec longer
  • new Mastery also reduce damage taken by 15% from targets with Holy fire (maybe dont work on a Raidboss)
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Look, I’d love more damage as Hpriest - solo. I don’t want to be forced to DPS, I’d rather have a better toolkit for supporting my team. Bringing marginally more damage to an M+ isn’t worth the trade-off of not having our talent tree retooled, or having our kit be filled with spells that aren’t worth casting right now.

The entire class needs to be carefully retooled, given movement, given an interrupt, and frankly, I think given how crap they are and have been, PoH and CoH need to be reworked or removed, in favour of Holy getting something similar to atonement - instead of having trail of light affect a single target, let it be spread to many, and suddenly lightweaving is viable as AoE healing, and the rest of our kit can be retooled around chunky heals that either work with trail of light/lightweaver, or apply trail of light, or unique effects. Imagine Salvation, applies trail of light to everyone instead of renew, so renew can be buffed to actually be useful. PoM leaving trail of light when it bounces. Maybe even have a spell that consumes trail of light for a chunky AoE heal, for emergencies.

Also, divine star has been wildly neglected and is so outclassed by Halo that even the most optimal skillshot divine star on cooldown has nowhere near Halo levels of throughput, so it should be retooled. Base spell, 2 charges, no yo-yo, and instead you become the ball and appear where the orb lands. Fixes our movement woes with a thematic and unique spell. Would still heal and damage, and temporary invulnerability or reduced damage would make it a real asset for priests.

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I need the damage increase for PVP
And while in Q too farm WQ in Holy Specc witch is painfull consider how low the damage is

For M+ people only will invite the top meta heals, if you dont have damage you will never be meta
Once everyone survive the key and you fail too complete the run more Healing wont help

holy tree in pvp is the worst of all classes. Too many useless talents in order to reach to some mediorcre ones.

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Divine Star was so fun to use in DF m+ and I think it’s one of the coolest spells in WoW. But it’s so bad this expansion that it is stupid to pick it. If Blizz does q priest rework, they should make this spell good strong again.

Funny how the “go to” healer spec became the worst…

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You have missed the vital need for an interupt or kick because what the priest has right now is utter garbage. Delves dont always allow you to fear mobs either. lots of immunity to the priest toolkit. Sorry but Im not going to play mine in group play until it gets some serious love. In a very bad place at the moment and as usual Blizz dont like you pointing out their mistakes

Thats what blizzard usually does eventually. But simply buffing the numbers isnt the way to go - holy needs a rework as a whole. We got no kick, no relevant cc, no aoe healing to speak of. The healing profile is flat out bad in m+, and propped up by a bugged halo in raid. Blizz needs to figure out what they want holy priest to be. We went from THE throughput healer, to THE dps healer at the end of sl and df, to whatever we have now.

I dont even care what direction they go with it, just take holy priest into modern wow times.

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True, but its all we can hope for i think
I cannot see that they are aware of holy’s design fail
The Talent tree is kind of a mess with no real directions

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