++(H)Lást Rites - Late night raid guild - Kazzak++
Lást Rites is a guild with focus on pve endgame in our own time, but mythic+ and arenas are also often run by the members on daily basis
as we are a community of friends/family/gamers first who play the game for fun!.
We raid on a very family friendly schedule:
Wednesday - 22.00 - 00.30 Cet
Thursday- 22.00 - 00.30 Cet
Tuesday. optional Alt/Nm/Hc - 22.00 - 00.30 Cet
++As of right now our progress is:++
Normal COS 1/2
Heroic COS 1/2
Mythic COS
Normal BOD 9/9
Heroic BoD 9/9
Mythic BOD 1/9
Normal Uldir 8/8
Heroic Uldir 8/8
Mythic Uldir 2/8
We are now recruiting to fill up our roster for our Heroic team, and to begin planing our Mythic Team Once More!. Therefore we need you!
Tank - closed
1DPS with tank OS
All DPS classes
If accepted into the guild, your trial period will last 3 weeks (6 raids) so that both you and the guild can feel if we are a good match.
++About Lást Rites:++
Most of our founders have played and run guilds since Vanilla, raiding in guilds like:
Last Watch - Aquamarines and Elitist Gaming. When Draenor hit most of us had enough of the elite hardcore raiding,
because we shared the same vision - That the game should not control us,it should be played around us and members real life
that is how this guild started out on Doomhammer/Turalyon (Ally) for about 14 years ago.
At the end of Legion the core group moved to Kazzak (Horde) with their vision, and Lást Rite was born!
We value or community very highly, and therefore you will in your trial period also be evaluated not only on skills,
but also how you fit into the group. We want to progress through the endgame at a decent pace,
while we have a lot of fun and laughs along the way!
That dosen´t mean we don’t take our raiding seriously,
but we do feel that a big part of the wow community and raiding scene is in a very toxic state.
And that is not how we want to experience the game we all love or love to hate 
We want to be a Guild/Team/Community whom enjoy playing together as friends!
If this seems interesting for you to be a part of, don’t hesitate to contact us in game or on discord:
ShaunStewart#2220 - Guild Master/Raid Leader/Community Manager.
Ampal0s#2193 - Raid Leader/Council/Community
Windy86#2593 - Recruitment/Council.
Deckhead#2482 - Guild Assist/Recruiment/Council.
Hope to see you in game!.
Kind Regards, Last Rites Team!.