Holy Priest looking bad for DF

This is what i read and hear, can somebody give some positivity looking forward cos i could do with it…apparently they’ll be the worst healer out there in a field of 1 all alone.

Surely itll all come good come release, or a few weeks after when they realise…like the buffs theyve had to give HP not so long ago to let them catch up.


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Holy priest stays amazing.
Their kit is exactly what it is now but they added more “Uh Oh” panic buttons and choice nodes in there.
For PvP or ST you have Mindgames and the Pvp talent that allows you to swap your health with a friendlies (aka tank).
For AOE you retain either Halo or Divine Star.

You should think off it as current Holy with extra’s.

Eh, I’m gonna miss fae guardians.

Oh I play venthyr or kyrian anyway :man_shrugging: .
I am to lazy to read NF ability :rofl:

I’m happy with the Holy. Just movement is a small prob. I guess mythic players will play goblin again or maybe HMT.

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Fae guardians arent healthy for the game, having a ability that can heavily speed up offensives CD devalues their overall power scaling and makes stuff like M+ sketchy with uneeded nerfs for classes due to external stuff

Well yeah, But Fae is gone in DF.
But all the rest off their kit stayed and even got improved on. Calling it “Looking bad” is incorrect.

Absolute BS, Holy Priest has a pretty amazing kit when it comes to healing and some great offensive tools aswell. Main problem with it in my opinion right now is that its abit on the dull side to play a good reason for that is probably because its so easy to play. Holy Priest is by far the easiest spec to do good hps with.

MW and Preservation for example is so much more fun and engaging to play.

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