Experienced Holy priest looking for 2 day a week CE guild.
My name is Virani and I have raided in every expansion since Vanilla; some more hardcore than others. Now I have a job and a family, so I cannot put the hours in that I used to. I do still want to achieve the best possible with the time I do have.
I am looking for a guild of like-minded people that want to push for Cutting Edge on a 2 evening a week schedule. I don’t mind if there is a third day added at the start of a new raid if you go back to two days once it is possible. I also like running mythic plus on other evenings.
My preferred days are Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I can also do Tuesday or Thursday. Wednesday is not possible. I can start at 19.30 - 20.00 and would prefer to stop at 23.00.
I would gladly server/faction transfer for the right guild.
What I can offer you is a reliable, dedicated raider. I come prepared with consumables and tactics. I can offspec shadow if needed for some fights. I have raided as dps, tank and healer so I know what multiple roles have to offer.
You can contact me on Discord: Virani#9668 or Battlenet: Virani#2453.
Hi there Virani,
We are currently recruiting more healers to complete our mythic raid team, would love to chat to you a little more.
Please see our post and let us know if it interests you.
Boody - Psykick06#2401
TOOTH AND FANG COMMUNITY!! ( Founded 2017 - EU -Draenor- Horde )
Community Status: Semi-Hardcore
**Current Progression: **10/10 9/10 HC ( Pushing into Mythic soon too )
Tooth and Fang was founded in 2017 as a guild building a family friendly atmosphere. Since then we have grown where we have 2 raiding teams, a semi-serious for progression and experienced players and a casual for alts and those looking to take their first steps into the raiding world.
Regular M+ runs are encouraged and actively sort within our discord and guild chat.
Main Team : Wed & Thurs
21:00 - 00:00 ST for the main team
Ranged : Range DPS ( Shaman or Hunter) and Dps with a Healer OS
Melee: DH DPS
Healer : Shaman/Holy Priest/Disc Priest/ Druid x1
Please ask us about joining if your class/spec isnt here.
Good knowledge of the class and spec you are playing
Be online 15 before raid start for invites
We do not expect you to attend EVERY single raid but a high attendance is good to have (90% about). During progress, however, we expect people to be attending every raid unless for an emergency.
Reseaching fights and be ready to wipe.
we are aiming to do mythic
Discord info https://discord.gg/KJAWssb or add me on discord Chéyénná#1625 or app via https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeWJ8cIHo1chv19Vex0-zWiMUgxDF4AwRZZpd52WwY7I2WDFQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Feel free to share our discord link !
Social are welcome too 
Look forward to meet you!
T & F Community