i441 Holy Priest, 4/4 Tier, have AOTC for all recent tiers and some Mythic experience during SL and both DF raids. That gets the ‘basics’ out of the way. You can find me on the Armory:
I enjoy M+ too and can push keys to a reasonable level with a decent group and voice comms. My current M+ score is 2209.
Happy to help out and can usually be persuaded to heal keys for people.
Currently based on Argent Dawn but realm transfer is not an issue for me.
I can raid any evening after around 19:00 server time, but please note I can never raid Sunday evening.
I’m looking for a stable guild with competent players and little drama. I’m aware this is a fairly tall order but I find things like loot drama tiring and just want no part of it. I’m a decent person, good to group with and I know what I’m doing, but I don’t think I know it all (well, maybe I do think that but I always listen to other people).
You can contact me on Discord (nariella) or BNet (Nari#2213) for a chat to see if we mesh.