Holy Priest's Flash Heal heals 15% less, than Disc's Flash Heal, all you need to know about current tuning

So we all know that Disc is a meta in current season, due to high damage, powerful shields, aoe healing and mitigation.

Holy priest has none of that, most of our abilities are dead, Heal, Flash Heal and HW serenity are our only functioning spells atm. So just for curiosity I specced into disc priest to comfort myself in a thought that at least our flash heal should be at least a bit stronger, than Disc’s Flash Heal.

SUPRISE. My disc’s flash heal heals for 554k, while my holy’s flash heal heals for 474k.

Do you think guys it’s trolling or blissful stupidity on Dev’s part?

Omg, it’s true. My char:

Disc Flash Heal - 505k
Holy Flash Heal - 445k

Now couple it with Radiance and Sanctify:
Radiance: 370k + 5 Attonements, 18 Seconds CD
Sanctify: 252k + Resonant Word, 60 Seconds CD

Sanctify heals as much as a Disc’s SW:D crit, which has a 10 sec CD and you can use it twice aswell :rofl:

Blizz must be trolling at this point.


Is that Sanctify before or after the 25% buff? But even if that’s still without, it would still be bad compared to Radiance. :cry:

It was before the buff. Now, Sanctify heals 315k. Still less than Radiance.

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