Holy Priest's Flash Heal heals for less than Disc' Priest Flash Heal (again)

I am not sure, when exactly but it happens again.

Holy priest atm has only 3 functional abilities (or 2 if you play without lightweaver) in dungeons: flash heal, heal and HW serenity.

Disc Priest has far superior utility (both AoE and single target damage mitigation), powerful shields, powerful AoE healing and also stronger flash heal for spot healing.

A holy spell does less healing in holy spec, than it does in disc spec. (for my 635 lvl priest holy’s flash heal does 593k, while disc’ flash heal does 604k) Blizzard’s bias torwards Disc Priest becomes more and more irritating.

If you guys gonna lose player base in season 2, this will be totally deserved. You don’t deserve subscription of people, who main their character as heal other than disc priest.

The discrepancy is larger than that.

My flash heal as holy heals for 520k~ in my current gear without my trinket being stacked. As disc it heals for 880k~ with atonement up.

The upper flash heal is as holy.

I then switched to disc and applied atonement and casted another flash heal and it healed for 880k~. With my trinket stacked it heals for like 640k~ as holy and over a million as disc, almost healing as much as a serenity does and it’s spammable.

Another funny thing: Power word: radiance heals for 550k(that’s 200k more than sanctify), has 2 charges and has only a 15 sec recharge timer and has more reach(30 yards) than sanctify.

Power word: shield absorbs more than serenity heals and has a 6 sec cd. 1.5 million absorb or something.


Let’s get the numbers right tho, holy healed 620k total with the mastery. You can’t include mastery in disc and then exclude it for holy.

I’d rather have 620k when casted than 520 + hot that overheals if I top someone so they don’t get clapped. A ton of healing from echo of light ends up just overhealing because of the damage patterns meaning you can’t let people stay on lower hp and let the mastery heal them up over time from healing them over time.

Echo is good when there’s constant low damage but when it’s the damage patterns of insanely high burst in a short period of time it’s just bad because you can’t let it do much healing because people will die.

Like, when I check logs, my echo of light is sitting at like 55-60% overhealing.

Checking a +17 key with a holy priest, his echo of light is at like 50% overhealing. It’s insane how much overhealing it does because you have to top people because they’ll die if you let them stay low.

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I understand, trust me. Instant effects are ALWAYS better than Over Time effects. Still, you cannot include one and exclude the other.

The same way as you have 50% of theEcho as overheal, I reckon just about 50% of the time you are casting PW:S, Penance or Flash Heal into a target which doesn’t already have Atonement.

Okay, probably less than 50% of the time, haven’t played Disc for a year.

Thank you for pointing this out.

I have not played disc this season as I generally don’t like this spec and seeing how disproportionally busted it has been I have even less desire to even try it.

Absolutely ugly tuning. Feels like the moron in charge of healing tuning plays disc only and barely cares for other specs.

I kept doing weekly vault for my holy priest in hopes of eventual tuning most of season 1, I stopped doing even that recently and have no intention of doing it in season 2.

Mastery in holy in m+ is complete garbage, M+ focused holy priest will have low to 0 mastery in gear, in my case it is only 12% nad it would be 8-9% without the SI ring.

As Jihju pointed out, the healing from holy mastery is of much lower quality than that of disc. Not only it overheals a ton, it also comes at a time when you do not need it.

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