Holy PVP healing

I am new to holy PVP healing and frankly I can’t believe how much the ethos has changed since i last played it…yeah its been a while WotLK or Cata i think… so anyway I watched a guide and basically they said Holy Light and Flash of Light were just massive mana drains and to avoid using them. This makes no sense at all to me.

Whats more difficult casting instants and to build a resource to instant cast or casting a 1.7 second heal? the answer is obviously the latter. So why would you not reward someone for actually casting? the risk is high you will get interrupted/locked out. Unless you have a whole bunch of buffs up it barely heals anything. Whats the logic behind that? Healers who are casting are healing too much? or that it was too simple?

I do understand you can get some massive holy Light heals just messing around with my rubbish gear i got the occasional crit 1.5M+ heal on folk when testing but it seems to me the instant casting for all healers shouldn’t be as good as casting as casting has risk.

That being said, in this meta a 1.5 second cast and you target is often dead. What you guys think?

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Yes, holy pally has to cast but they also have concentration Aura + Aura Mastery (don’t forget that you can use that with Crusader Aura as well so your team can reach objectives faster). They are about to get some buffs (Holy Light especially) in S2.
I tried other healers and always got back to HPal, the blessings are just too good to pass up.
As for hero talents, Herald of the Sun is a clear winner if you ask me, but Lightsmith has it’s uses too.

For me depends on the healing state and group, I play mostly as a supporting paladin as healing, but then you need a group that focus the healers with cc otherwise they will out heal you, and you will be OOM, we need some smalls buff on healing and nerf on supporting tho but use your BOF - BOP - BOS - BP - LOH - DS - AM than you will do fine and cc healers :smiley: and have your HOW ready for the last blow for a dps or heal.

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