Holy s this game is unplayable

as a warr in arena or even blitz i swear to god i cant even move mages root 24/7 eles literally one shot you in one global bm hunters boomys waisting my god damn time…


wait till the locks and mages tell u its balanced =)

It’s balanced

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Siege : 10
Niederlagen : 26
Gesamt : 36
Siege : 28%

Yeah so many speccs are just unfun too face like

Or be a meele in a full caster lobby and ofc being the only caster in a meele lobby

So every soloq lobby you face unfun stuff

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What’s with DH exactly, besides its being the worst class in all arena brackets right now?

While DH has been in a better spot, what you’re saying is not true.

Go to Drustvar and check representation. DH is still better represented at 2.1k than Ret pala and Enh sham, as well as 2/3 mage specs.

Varies by bracket, but DH isn’t necessarily the worst. Problem right now is more that the actual S-tier specs right now, for the most part, are overtuned. Not DH being weak.

It isn’t. All rogue speccs and bm are broken.


Skill issue i guess. I have no idea what to do on my warrior but still climb. And when playing 3s as heal, good warriors are like trained gorillas chasing the banana taped to my teammates back, an unstoppable force of unga bunga.

If you cant hit them swap target and hit what ever you can instead of running circles.

For more unga bunga use the PvE ring with three dps gems.

Just checked your char. If i am not mistaken you payed for a race change to gnome. Yikes dude.


I only talk about unfun too face and is a list of my personal taste and don’t reflect the mass opinnion i gues, that doesnt include how strong a specc is
Also true some speccs are only unfun too face with a view speccs

Like facing frostmage, a meele will hate it a MM will have a good time into it

For DH it can be unfun too face all the flapping arround insta cc and kick with range, but yeah lucky there damage is not tuned well but one small patch and it can change

haha love this

that’s exactly what i posted pretty much, but some ppl make fun of me saying that fury is 3 button spec and its op? :smiley: , i guess its really fun to abuse the meta specs against the others. PvP is dying fast in this game. Blizz needs to attend to this fast. Instead, they remove battle trance from fury and aura of reckoning from ret…

To play furry must have nerves of steel:d higher you get, worse its gets. RP walking, ccd nonstop

If you look at the top 200 ss ladder, which everyone should do since very few play their spec to max potential, usually not even close to max potential and quite the opposite, you’ll find out that the only spec that is objectively absolutely out of control broken are rogues (as per usual).

U’ll notice that melee specs are very rare (except rogue) simply because 1 frost mage makes the game unplayable. That is partially a reason why Mage is not completely taking over, simply because there’s not enough melee specs at high ratings.

Then you can move to honorable mentions that have quite high participation like boomkins doing nuclear damage. Rets making their team immortal. Aff locks. Mages being mages.

It seems like a pattern that specs that can somehow survive rogues (defensives during stuns) are doing well. Warriors are definetly not a problem even when they can be quite oppressive and easy to play at low ratings.

On a bright side DH is for the first time in 7 years not a part of this gang which is very nice hopefully it will last.

The problem arises when these warrior mains hit 1.6-1.8k and face more skilled casters that kite and use their abilities better, so they can’t double Charge into Leap every time, because then they’re just blowing all their mobility out the water.

The ranged vs melee game is no different than it was in Dragonflight. I still managed 2k rating on Arms during that time, going against 70% Hogwarts Cleaves. Lowest damage, but still going 4-2 reliably in SS by hugging pillars and watching for openings.

I WILL say however, Frost mage is s little bit overtuned with the amount of passive snares and roots it gets. That’s ridiculous.

when we finally nerf omega casters and rog the game would be fine

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“when they will nerf every class besides mine, game will be finally balanced”


No, but most caster class, hunters and rogues are meta - OP atm currently and none really cares about it, sadly.