Holy shadow priest - for immersion

I think I am not alone who thought that that when playing priest not in a healing role, I still want to use the power of the Light, rather then the corruptive forces of the Void.

It would be nice if ther would bve an option, glyp, talen, anything that cosmetically changes the shadow priest spell to look like they are Light based.

If we can do similar witg warlocks, Light-sided players should been granted this option too.


Can we?

I’m all for glyph customisation! The option for Shadow priests to use seemingly holy spells, and vice versa, would be a very welcome addition to the game.

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Well, there is a Holy Form appearance available used by NPCs in the Sunwell raid, could use that for to replace ‘‘Shadowform’’


There is a questline for warlocks that allows to change orange looking spells to fel green.

That’s not really the same thing, as warlocks lorewise use Fel which is green. If anything, that ‘‘Green Fire’’ should be baseline from the very beginning.

Class skins sound fun.

Although sometimes you’re in a group, and it’s nice to be able to tell what actual class/spec you’re playing visually with from their spells.

While I don’t think “holy” shadow priest would make much sense gameplay wise I do think it would be cool to have a holy type of ranged dps caster, kind of like how shockadin used to be. Maybe a 4th spec to paladins or priests, something called like inquisitor or something? I wouldn’t mind raining down holy fire on the impure and heretics myself. I mean hell it could even be a new “support” type of caster considering that Blizz is now testing out those.

It would still be a Shadow priest, just with holy-looking spells instead of dark ones. No need to reinvent a new spec. Lorewise it makes sense just fine. Smite and holy fire are holy damage spells given to other priest specs.

Isn’t that basically a Disc priest? “Healing allies by purging the wicked” as it were.

Well that is kind of the issue, shadow has such specific abilities and animations that it would be incredibly hard to actually swap them out for their holy counterparts. I mean you could probably swap shadowfiend with a lightspawn, the faceless could possibly be a naaru or something but what the hell do you swap the tentacles out with? Or the shadowy apparitions? I mean shadow is such a well crafted spec in both gameplay and class fantasy that I just feel that it would be incredibly hard to swap it into holy.

Disc priest is a healing spec.

Inquisitor would be a DPS spec.

I really don’t see the insurmountable challenge that you do. For instance,

Is an already existing glyph.


Y E S!

I used to play disc for this reason before they made it healer spec. So a long time ago… I love shadow but I also want a holy dps spec :frowning:

Considering how abandoned the glyph system is I didn’t even remember it anymore, tho indeed just a week ago I was watching priest glyphs in the auction house, probably should have remembered that one.

If you want a holy dps, fine … but please leave SP as it is. It’s a well thought out theme and associated spells and trying to make it look holy is just wrong.
Signed a very unholy SP :wink:

I never said I want to change the whole spec, I just asked for an optional, visual opportunity, if it’s only clientside, it’s already good.

I never understood why would they desing the priest class with void powers, okay, they retconed this jing-jang stuff into the story, but still weird to see holy men/women/apache attack helicopters using the power of the very entity they sworn to fight and destroy (aka void). Like a warlock spec that use holy, or restorative nature powers.

I don’t think so it would be a Light Priest. It is called Shadow Priest for the reason that it cast shadow spells and conforms to the void.

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I mean yes, that is the spec fantasy on paper, but they’re already using a variety golden, holy spells as well. Shadowmend is gone and replaced with a holy heal, Power Word: Shield is holy, angelic feather is golden, Leap of Faith is golden/blue.

Come to think of it, if anything I’d rather have two glyphs:

  1. Glyph of Darkness: Transmforms all priest abilities into a dark, shadow magic version of themselves.

  2. Glyph of Light: Transforms all priest abilities into a golden, holy magic version of themselves.

Because outside of Discipline, the entire point is for the priest to be either fully holy or darkened, not a mix n’ match of both.