Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

This is sadly most likley cases of OOC opinions bleeding through to IC as some sort of justification, and I agree that it should stop and not just be there.

WoW itself has tended to avoid showcasing any negativity towards sexual identity or prefference, and instead given us a few(very few) either hints or characters showcased to be interest or in same-sex relationships. The only real discriminatory subject WoW has tackled otherwise is racism, with the characters more often displayed as flawed or villians for these believes. (While still in other cases using really questionable/tasteless stereotypes they seem to fail to notice)

And yeah, people can argue that “it’s just roleplaying and make characters more immersive”, but we’re still just doing roleplay for fun in the end, as a thing we all and enjoy and as a hobby. Do we really need some extremly uncomfortable homophobia portrayed just for the sake of it? I don’t think so, all it adds is to make some people feel even more unaccepted or miserable due to already perhaps facing difficulties in real life.

In short, yeah this is bad and should just stop.