Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Yes, this is Just a repeteation of a closed thread due to derailment, but I found the message in that thread to be one worth listening so I will link the other thread hopefully get the message Going.

Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Edit: Just going to add this little message here for anyone championing breach of ToS. Homophobia in rp needs to cease - #2799 by Zagkush-argent-dawn

Edit once again: Homophobia in rp needs to cease - #3367 by Zagkush-doomhammer

Folk, please read some of the thread before begining an argument, is not that hard.


Nothing can stop the positivity from going





Thanks for keeping this message going, and thanks to every single person who contributed to the previous thread too. I love you all.


:rainbow: :rainbow_flag: :rainbow:

Seriously, if you hold ANY sort of homophobic or otherwise hateful views towards any group of people based on their gender, race, religion or sexuality then you are not welcome on Argent Dawn.

Using these hateful views within your RP because you think it adds “character” or is an alternative to actually having a personality just let’s the rest of us know that you’re probably a garbage human being in real life.


Aye, this adds nothing to ones enjoyment, and is against the ToS.


Points still valid, homophobia is bad rp.


Let’s hope this one doesn’t get locked too.


Cont. from last thread:

Guess we will just have to disagree about the ToS always improving the quality of RP and being there mainly with that purpose in mind.

Though personally I have no interest in either playing a homophobic character, or getting banned for that matter.

Guess I just sometimes think it is healthy to question authorities, their true intentions as well as consequences.

The rules are prohibiting homophobia and other forms of inexcusable bigotry, not trampling on integral human rights.

Get a grip dude


Bertel really do be out here reinforcing the gnomes-are-clowns stereotype huh :flushed:


See, I get the side of being able to RP homophobia as some people are just generally like that from upbringing etc.

But then comes the issue of possibly hurting someone by a simple comment, if someone is out and proud or in the closet. Just that one comment can tip them over an edge we don’t wish to know about. It’s like lots of topics; non-con and whatnot. Some things just shouldn’t come up in RP due the fact we should be respectful in a manner.


What upbringing? There is no homophobia in the setting of World of Warcraft according to the lead writer Stevey D


I know, but people are free to “break the lore” and whatnot. I’m not FOR it. I can just see both sides of the argument.

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Do you, Vaxir? Do you see the other side of the bigotry?


They’re not only breaking the lore but also the terms of service; and it’s not just breaking the lore, it’s completely inventing a non-existent prejudice and hatred and bigotry into the game that has no place in it.


We can’t stop people from breaking it. People break it every day and it’s not bannable (though homophobia probably is, mind you, but in this case I’m talking about general lore breaking).

While I don’t like homophobia, nor endorse it, I am fine with it in fiction because that’s what that is - Fiction. I won’t get into this much but I’ve had characters (Non-WoW) who’s parents / relatives are homophobic. I separate real from fiction there. But that’s for people to selectively read as opposed to WoW RP which is real time and without a warning - Which is why I’ve come to say yea, I don’t think it should be RP’d. I just see both sides of an argument.

Aka, tldr: “I see where you’re coming from even though you’re wrong” is what I’m saying.


I think the big difference with other fiction and roleplaying is the audience. A book or film or singleplayer game can contain homophobia if the creator desires it and the publsihers allow it, and it’s then up to the audience if they wish to take in that piece of media themselves. With roleplaying a collaborative medium where we give agency to other people, the lines between creator and audience are far more blurry because the medium itself requires everyone involved to be both. Because of that, ‘creators’ need to be more careful and tactful with the things that they are presenting, and audiences don’t have as much of a choice to just walk away.


Doesn’t mean we should ever accept it.


Pretty much what I tried to explain, yea.


I admittedly screwed up and didn’t mentally take in the last half of your post. Apologies for that!