Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

no it’s abiding both the lore and the ToS.

I’m still waiting for canon examples of homophobia. You said we had to supply you with LGBT characters first, which has been done. So, Azuriida, where is the homophobia? Please, share with the class.

you have by crazily defending it at every step of the way.

i think instead i’ll report it to a GM.


That is actualy a realy valid point. I have completly forget about terms of service. Though to be honest i don’t remember when people realy used those.

Other than Garithos or maybe even Blackmore, I’ve seen no racism in Wow so far, even then, given the exemples above, why would you want to make a char that everyone will hate?

Always…? You should really consider reading and following them before posting more cringe.


All the time? You agreed to the rules when you created your account?? And apply to everything you write in-game, including in /s in a RP server???

Log off


why would it matter if this is a medieval setting when the first night warrior was a dude with a husband

the game revolves around racism as any healthy fantasy setting does

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oh, WoW is filled to the brim with racism. Like, between different races, not because skin colour. It’s kinda the entire premise.

“Races” in WoW is a really dumb holdover from the D&D usage - elves and humans and orcs (oh my) are different species.

There is no canonical racism in Warcraft.


There is a LOT of racism in wow! It is a very xenophobic setting, but yes, nothing to do with the skin of humans. It is mostly humans disliking the other races, seeing themselves as “superior”.


I’ll take my words back then.

Technically, this also means we need to police our own emoting for graphic violence and offensive language too but the point is made.

I’d even argue that the church of the Holy Light’s tenents promote tolerance, acceptance and in no way encourages bigotry. Sure, Scarlets took it in their own bizzare direction but they’re heretical loons led to madness by actual demons. Makes ya think.

The medieval setting argument is a falsehood staple of the people wanting a different sort of Azeroth altogether than what the canon gives us.

True, though the skin thing goes no further than terms like “greenskin” and how orcs compare pink humans to swine. There’s no canon basis for racism between differently hued humans.

No argument here, my be-roséd friend.


tbh someone calling my dwarf a coalskinned troglodyte or my void elf a blue-hued freak are also perfectly valid instances of racism within the setting

We just dont see the same happening for eg. Humans (for obvious reasons) while with other races skin color is even part of their culture


I agree and very often criticize people for veering into crazy goreposting/swear spam to make their RP more dramatic.


So why is my Draenei or Elf looking down on Homosexuals because she doesn’t understand how one could turn against repopulating a near extinct race for their egoistical reasons bad exactly…?

While many of my characters don’t give a flying dung about who’s on who…

While I agree that there’s an issue with homophobia in our culture, “YOU” should also have 0 say in how other people RP when you want to be accepted the way you RP.

please read from here and see if you feel like it applies to your RP or not

Saves us the effort of having this complete cycle again


that’s approaching :WeirdChamp: territory very very quickly there

Because homophobia is non-canon and against the Terms of Service.

please keep up


So wait, you are telling me, for you to think it’s okay for people to roleplay as LGBT, it needs to be in the lore ?


But then you also say

But there is no homophobia in the lore. Make up your mind.

Yeah, because that doesn’t happen in WoW, it never has, and it never will.

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The Light tells you to respect others and treat one another well. Love is a beautiful thing. The pious draenei would be rather unlikely to be bigots.

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Its not, Id call such a reaction as virtue signalling tbh, some wildhammer throwing slurs at a dark iron dwarf about the latter’s skin color (and eye color, beard being on fire, aesthetics that basically set their clans apart) is just as valid as going on a rant about a clan’s history