Irony for you, im a very conservative person, so for ME to legitimately tell people that such behaviour is completely stupid is pretty much a monumental testament to how far progression has come in this world.
And its exactly that reason I find this kind of behaviour abhorent, people just want to make it an issue to take away the reality that it is not an issue to rp this kinda thing.
You wanna rp a gay effeminate male character you go RIGHT ahead, its fine, its not going to hurt anyone in todays age save a few cringe offended idiots who think they see someone rping something and cant seem to fathom that… like them, they are also rping a fantasy they enjoy.
As to this argument of writing and character development being the justification, here is my counter argument:
If you wish to create your own fantasy world with rules/laws regulations about these struggles be my guest, this is a game with an interactive audience that can be upset by poor choice behaviour and will almost certainly not tolerate it.
Again, the kinda thing people are justifying as things like “My character might devleop into being gay after being in denial” is just a stupid point, no value comes from trying to argue that such things even EXIST in wow to begin with.
The light doesnt suddenly go around yelling “The homosexuals must be purged” or that nonsense and its a pretty stupid way to defend such behaviour.
Its why I dearly hope that future expansions begin breaking the boundries between racial disdain so people can shut up about this already, have some void characters that are good, light chars that are evil, fel characters that are good, titans that are evil, break convention and show us the world is more than just its steriotypes.
However, that is for them as a game developer to do, not us, and our role as rpers, yes, we can create stories, we can build worlds, we can create journies and destinations but we have NO right to gatekeep peoples right to their romantic feelings or just emotional ones to a significant other.