Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Unfortunately I have seen people and know of them still on the server both Horde and Alliance side who are homophobic and racist but are still thriving. It’s sickening


Completely agree with this. People say homophobia can be presented as a character flaw, but frankly there’s lots of other ways in the setting you can explore themes of bigotry that don’t have the same real-world connotations and also have an actual basis in lore.

The existence of homophobia in the Warcraft setting is a headcanon, and a heavily loaded one at that. Admittedly Blizzard’s LGBTQ+ representation in WoW is pretty lacklustre at best, but the few examples we do have of gay characters aren’t derided or treated any differently.


To add another nuance to the topic, something the LGBT community really suffers from is fetishization, not infrequently from the very people who’d publicly denounce them.

For every person who RPs a gay person in good faith, making it an appropriately sized part of their character without making it their only personality trait, it feels like I see a dozen lesbian characters who are obviously made solely for the fetish.

I don’t envy the former category who keeps going despite this - having to wade through the mud of prejudice just to RP a concept they felt was nice.

And don’t even get me started on how trans characters are portrayed…


Dont throw stones in a glasshouse.

On topic:
Many make characters that are homophobe just for the sake of being it, portraying OOC standpoints IC to have an excuse. Others also try to make evil characters and have no ideas how to make them evil and therefore just make them homophobe and racist. I am not one of them.

Xul’shak is a very old orc, grown up in the Burning Blade. Why did he make that comment ic? Because one he was just about to recruit asked for a hug in the middle of a warzone. If the person lets their guard fall, he wont want them. And he said that in a very rude way, which also felt bad to write. But that is the character, and that is not me.

The OP knows me, we’ve roleplayed for years by now. I’ll send you a DM in Discord Obahar, in case you dont know who this is.


A good point and one that I was tempted to bring up in the original post, given that Obahar here is a character who is very duty-bound to his bloodline, and would expect other characters of a similar social class to follow a similar sense of duty. I know this is also something that is sometimes brought up in blood elf roleplay, given how they are a people who’s numbers were utterly decimated.

I think it can be a fine line, and where people personally land on it is generally up for interpretation. However, I feel if it’s roleplayed out correctly, with people bringing up the point of ‘the bloodline must continue’, or ‘the sin’dorei must bolster their numbers’, or similar thought processes, then it’s a potentially valid approach. Personally, when I go to roleplay such, I usually clear it ahead of time with the person I’m roleplaying with, in case it’s a topic that would hit close to home for the person behind the screen.


I will admit I don’t have the context here, but I often see forsaken RPers use older english terms, so perhaps this simply was ‘queer’ in the older meaning of the word?

‘Weird, odd or different; whimsical’ is an older but not entirely unknown definition of the word.


What I’ve actually noticed here and there, and this is something that I don’t think features in the discussion often, is that there are fetishised male homosexual relationships & characters in AD RP.

I’ve seen crude caricatures of gay tropes, emphasising harmful stereotypes, played not just by men – but by who I understand to be women.

(This isn’t a ‘BUT THINK OF THE MEN’ post, so I hope it’s not taken that way. Just highlighting another facet of the broader issue.)

I’d guess, given how the sentence is framed, that is means a strange crowd, not a crowd that’s particularly homosexual.


Oh yes, they absolutely do exist, I believe you. I just don’t have much experience with those myself so I didn’t want to speak on a subject I was less certain on.

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Yikes :grimacing:


Oh that wasn’t him, but somebody who’s been in the PCU for a good while who has shown homophobe and racist attitudes on characters before and don’t seem to bat an eye.

bruh :skull: :skull: :skull:

he’s probably using it to mean strange or odd?

I understand that accusations thrown towards each other are unpleasant and can feel important to address, but could we keep the focus on the LGBT community rather than the people who have allegedly wronged them? While I’m all for people being held accountable, this thread isn’t the place to do it because it’s simply going to get locked, and the points ultimately lost.


Good grief. That is not okay.


Lorathas and Noraleon, Lorathas and Florean, Lorathas and Erandith…

When will the menace cease?

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Good to know that we’re on the same page.

I’m not condemning the person in the screenshot because I really don’t think we should turn this into a drama thread, but, I think the takewaway is;

If your character expresses homophobic attitudes in the sense of “secure the bloodline” or “I like manly soldier”, then you won’t help yourself by using slurs. Christ.


In Obahar’s case, he’s said something along the lines of:
“I do not dislike what rests in your heart, but it may well be your duty to disregard it.”
As long as the roleplay is handled tactfully then I don’t think it ultimately causes harm in a majority of cases.


I can imagine specific races who have lower numbers or are still in ‘Survive or die’ mode might grumble about it. A few times I’ve seen “So long as you’ve had at least one kid, do what you want” which is… erh, I dunno. Still not brilliant but at least it’s plausible. And definitely has more validity than using slurs unironically IC.

Honestly I would just never bring up the matter in RP. People RP to have fun and get away from some really touchy stuff that might be hounding them IRL, I doubt they want to meet the same stuff they have to deal with out of the game in RP.

I absolutely wouldn’t want to see people going out of their way to be homophobic IC either for the sake of being edgy, that’s just…No.


The pro move is to put a bun in her oven then send her to her wing of the mansion so your boyfriend can move in.