Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Both of you are so 2010! You totally missed my point, but when you get a chance to have a dig at me, I guess you’ll take it. Some things never change.

As far as I’m aware, Soulburn, your memory was correct as far as the start of the guild is concerned, things have been different for many years now though.

And Loras, just because the GM ERPS on occasion, don’t presume every single member does.

I have also noticed that since I’ve been out of the guild on a 3 month break, more male characters have joined than female. I’m looking forward to seeing the new balance,

Feel free to take up your issues with my guild tag with Shonn, our GM. Though it is just there because the armory doesn’t update the fact that I’ve been guildless for a few months already.

Now that would take all the fun of getting to know people IRL!

Can’t wait to see your GM booted then!

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The GM is a cockroach, he could probably survive a nuclear apocalypse if it meant he could get his Tuscan sausage up at the sight of pixelated characters in a 12+ game.

You’ll have a long wait! I’d have to hack his account and close the guild down to boot him, dubious skills that I don’t possess.

Is this turning into a Bayerleyn discussion?

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I’d say let’s keep it back on track and leave that for another thread if needed.

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People just can’t help dig at others olol

Yeah ikr doxxir


“There is nothing more pure, more manly than a man expressing his love for a fellow man.” - Duke William

That being said I am well within my right ro be homophobic, misogynistic, racist and offensive when I roleplay as the embodiment of the ‘scum of humanity’. I direct you to my guild tag upon which being lowlife scum with dubious morals and a ‘duck the world’ attitude was built. Roleplaying as characters that are the direct opposites of good people should not be an issue unless its the kind that fulfills some kind of sick fetish. If you find the RP offensive, then dont partake in it. Ignore whoever displays these IC views or simply realise that getting mad because someone is throwing slurrs at homosexual characters as a 3 foot midget with a pink mohawk is just plain stupid.


In a lot of instances, the LGBT+ community don’t want to partake in it. However, when you have people roleplaying these characters publicly, in hubs, in events, and in campaigns, the choice then is either “I ignore it as best as I can, or I void something I would otherwise like to be a part of.” A choice that wouldn’t have to be made if other roleplayers were simply more considerate.

I question why you would ever choose to roleplay homophobia and misogyny over the discriminations present in-game. Racism I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean a dislike of Horde races or non-human Alliance races, and not racism towards other humans as we have in the real world.

Seventy six likes and counting on my original post and a number of posts prior to yours and mine prove otherwise. The solution here isn’t to get the LGBT community to toughen up, it’s to get roleplay that is unnecessarily reflective of horrible real-life living conditions out of people’s means of escapism.


The “toughen up snowflake” rhetoric has always been extremely boring.


OK? Good job I suppose.


If that is your only rebuttal to the points I just made, Husseth, then it is a lackluster one at best.

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I’m not rebutting anything. I just think that was a WeirdChamp statement.


Perhaps. But I believe it shows that the people who frequent the forums here are in agreement with the sentiments I have posted. This isn’t something that many people find issue with, and those generally against the sentiments are in the minority, which means that asking the people causing offense with this roleplay to cease being offensive is a much easier task than asking everyone else to change.

Plus it’s just a decent thing to do. Be honest.

Edit: Again, my spelling, punctuation and grammar is terrible today. My apologies.


OK, but I never disagreed.

I agree, people should be called out on their behaviour. I personally get offended over some things, and I can’t just look away.

Don’t worry bud.

Edit: Furthermore, I think most decent people are against blatant homophobia on an outlet which promotes individuality.


Fair enough, I apologise for making assumptions that weren’t necessarily there. I’m glad to see that we see eye-to-eye, even if it took a little while to reach that understanding.

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Yes, that would be racism directed towards other races. As for the homophobia and mysogony, I already explained that I enjoy playing a certain character whom everyone should hate with good reason. The discrimination present in-game is also heavily used. Just because we see no instances of this in the game shouldnt mean they cannot be RP’d. If anything the portrayal of these characters with these disgusting mindsets should quite clearly why this is not alright behavior in the world away from the screen.

I[quote=“Obahar-argent-dawn, post:415, topic:157853”]
Seventy six likes and counting on my original post and a number of posts prior to yours and mine prove otherwise. The solution here isn’t to get the LGBT community to toughen up, it’s to get roleplay that is unnecessarily reflective of horrible real-life living conditions out of people’s means of escapism.

If internet points won discussions we would have world peace. I never suggested the LGBT community should toughen up, they shouldn’t have to. But you should also not be the ones to dictate what other people can and cannot do. You should not be subject to these issues OOC but this is a fictional universe in which as you say people come to escape or to play as personalities they themselves condemn or would never be. I agree with you that it shouldnt be frequent or too out in the open, but I am also of the opinion that people shouldnt have to change their characters just because its a little offensive.

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They’re not. Blizzard is. Blizzard says no homophobia in their 12+ game.


Shouldnt be sexual discussions in the streets of SW either but here we are.