Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

I’ll admit fault, I probably shouldn’t’ve drawn attention to that as I did, but I do believe it shows that the people who have read this post do agree overall that this is far more harmful to roleplay and roleplayers on Argent Dawn than it is any form of positive experience.

I do agree. Personally I cannot ultimately stop you from saying all the things you want to say, regardless of if they are kindly, or cruel. I can, however, advocate for people using homophobic remarks, behaviours, and attitudes to be blacklisted from events and campaigns, and for guilds who house members who act in that manner despite being asked not to to be disassociated from. You said it yourself before, if people don’t enjoy the RP because they find it offensive, then they shouldn’t partake in it, but it goes both ways. If people don’t enjoy a group of RPers because they find them offensive, then saying they want to leave them out of a given event, initiative, or campaign is similarly justifiable.

A little to one person is a lot to another. And caring more about your character on the screen than the other player behind it is a selfish and frankly dislikeable way of going about a medium that is entirely built on consent and collaboration.

Nobody is advocating for this.


Blizzard also has a quest where you can’t skip a “torture” scene, which is against their 12+ rating.

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Yeah, stop doing both. No one here wants either. Be the change you wanna see, etc.


If only one gamer could cease the rampant ERP :pensive:

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But one gamer can individually not ERP, and not engage in homophobic discourse in RP. Also means they don’t risk a suspension; everybody wins.

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I kinda think that a character that only see’s s*x for making a new generation would find some IC chars in the LGBTQ community strange, as they would someone who just bangs loads, but I rly don’t RP in a scene that is orientated around romance so it doesn’t bother me.

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"When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions."

Roleplaying or not, we are still beholden to the above.


And that’s entirely fine. Seeing them as ‘strange’ isn’t the same as using homophobic language and employing real-life homophobic mentalities, which is the main issue I have a problem with here. As for not RPing in scenes orienting around romance, that’s fine too - it’s something I very rarely explore within my own characters. However, there are people who do explore those themes, and their experience shouldn’t be lessened by the presence of real-life stigmas seeping into a world of fiction, in my opinion.

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That is entirely justifiable. I completely agree with this statement.[quote=“Obahar-argent-dawn, post:426, topic:157853”]
And caring more about your character on the screen than the other player behind it is a selfish and frankly dislikeable way of going about a medium that is entirely built on consent and collaboration

I will come forward as a selfish hole of the butt and say that I do in fact not care much for the community as a whole, but rather fragments of it. The minority groups on the server however should be protected against blatantly targeted abuse.

I will tell you however, that seeing that people do in fact have an issue with such IC behavior, I will tone it down and keep it reserved till my character is provoked into throwing a tantrum and also reserve it for private events with like minded characters, I.E my guild and its branched off groups.

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Imagine going into a thread and saying, “I am going to be homophobic IC amongst my fellow homophobes”. Imagine outing yourself/your guild like that.


This is appreciated. As I said, I can’t force you to change, and while personally it’s not roleplay that I would ever engage with, if everyone around is comfortable enough with it then I suppose there’s little harm.

Yeah uses of phrases such as the F word to refer to LGBTQ is about as real life projecting as you can get lol

I mean as long as people don’t roleplay those themes erotically or break the ToS then I don’t really mind, kinda just the same thign with straight couples really. The few people I have seen roleplaying an LGBTQ+ char tend to do it in private to avoid being looked down upon IC, which kind of makes sense in the games theme that it’d be hidden.

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Being the scum of the earth is what the guild is built on. I myself am not homophobic when I do not play the character. Dont see me telling you to stop appropriating asian culture for playing a pandaren. You tubby racist.


The torture scene is in line with the 12+ rating due to its presentation. Case in point Wrath was rated 12+.

I do disagree with this. I think in the games theme it wouldn’t be too frowned upon, with IRL homophobic stigmas stemming primarily from cultures of organised religion over a matter of centuries, however I do agree that LGBT+ roleplayers are probably more likely to hide themselves from the RP-going public to (sadly) avoid the mockery they might otherwise get from OOCers or even other RPers, though I would hope the latter is far less common.

There’s a reason almost every single torture quest has a skip mechanic, such as the interrogation of the Quilboar in the Northern Barrens; you can beat him for information, or just tickle him.



At the end of the day, this is at least something. It’s a step that will hopefully lead to less people being affected by behavior like that in the future if more and more people adopt that way of thinking.

Whilst personally I don’t entirely agree with doing it like that, I can at least appreciate that it’s an effort all the same. And shows that this thread is doing some good already. Hopefully more players at least take steps of a similar vein.

It doesn’t matter if it’s skippable. The presence of the content in the game at all would be counted towards the game’s rating.

I feel my character would also look down on someone who bangs loads as well, since the whole s*x is for breeding thing. But that’s my take on the lore, to kind of avoid the ERP which I hate so much.

Ye it means that there needs to be a way to skip said torture, which you can’t with one particular quest.

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