Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Yeah, I admittedly messed up with that one. The popular vote doesn’t mean the correct one, there’s been plenty of dark times in human history where plenty of people were complicit or otherwise okay with bad things happening. The point that I conveyed badly was that there’s already been a number of arguements against homophobic RP, and people in support of those arguements, with, in my opinion, often fairly weak counterpoints as to why homophobic RP should be given a pass.

IC is IC.

I’ve some characters (as per my characters) that are not fond of specific aspects mentioned above.
I’ve current, and have had players in the guild that are of the specific list of above, that I play with, talk with on voice, and even do other games with besides WoW.

I am sorry to see that others have different experiences there, and cannot differ IC from OOC in that matter.



What a disgustingly blatant case of victim blaming. I’m afraid you’re not the authority on what makes LGBT+ people uncomfortable/silenced, whether it’s IC or OOC. Your disregard for it doesn’t excuse it, and the apology can be kept.

Having queer friends doesn’t mean you’re allowed to dump on queer people that aren’t your friends.


Thank you Shonn for single handedly ending homophobia. Your take is perhaps the most tone-deaf and disappointing of every post here. Please refrain from commenting on things you clearly have no grasp on.


I used to roleplay a human that was racist to night elves. His feelings towards them mostly stem from his experiences as a soldier during the third war, one of them losing his friend to elf archers(remember the mission where Tyrande killed the human paladin and destroyed his base?). I figured it could make sense for a human to hold some measure of hatred towards them despite humans and nelfs being allies later on, after all humans are not always rational or forgiving.

As for being homophobic… It’s kind of a slippery slope. How do you decide whether someone who roleplays a homophobe is actually a homophobe IRL? What does being a homophobe IC add to roleplay overall? Like someone said, it could make sense someone would dislike it as a lifestyle, not necessarily as a sexual orientation. I could understand that in a warrior culture one could look down on someone who refuses to procreate and ‘‘create’’ new warriors. On the other hand, one could say homosexual relations in such a culture could be like an ultimate form of camraderie. Whatever the case, there should be no room for homophobia OOC.

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banging blokes is really manly


200% testosterone

Loves: The colour green, treating women as property, names of German ww2 tank generals.
Hates: Reading the tone of the room, hats, the gay agenda.

A tinder profile to be proud of.


No no, he doesn’t dislike hats. He just dislikes certain demographics wearing them.

I’m against the inclusion of homosexual relationships in the lore. I’m also against the inclusion of heterosexual relationships in the lore, becauuse Blizzard simply can’t write romance to save their lives, lol, regardless of preferences.

But, yeah. I’ve always found people roleplaying homophobic characters to be a bit naff; it just doesn’t fit the setting. I’m fine with the inclusion of real life issues in fiction, but Azeroth doesn’t rly. have it - it’s not dissimilar to somebody running about shouting swear words because I’ve never seen an NPC (beyond Garrosh that one time) do it. While you can’t always use what the devs have written as a benchmark, otherwise we’d be restricted mega, I think you should always aim to stick to the general feel of the world when roleplaying.

I personally play all my characters as basically asexual because I don’t like RPing romance, also, with their relationships in the past / without reason to go for another.


Another good option is for your character to have a partner or spouse in the background as a NPC.


Except that there aren’t really any legitimate or necessary grounds for your character to be homophobic in character as per Azeroth’s lore and general setting (please, show me even one example of it) and it’s a very dull, vapid aspect to a character regardless

I suppose you’re quite accustomed to vapid characters though given that it’s apparently a non-negotiable requirement for entry into the Retinue, so I guess I can see why you spat out this drivel


Of course Shonn’s a homophobe too, why am I not surprised


Yo is Brigante here? I need a translator for this.

I think it’s ironic that the dude who gets off OOC from ‘’’’‘IC’’’’’ interactions is chastising other people for confusing in character with out of character.

As far as I’m aware, there’s no evidence that homophobia exists in Warcraft’s universe, and gay relationships in the game are presented as totally unremarkable. Therefore, there’s no good basis for roleplaying a homophobic character.

I don’t personally have this issue, but if other LGBT players find it helpful to roleplay gay characters in a world where sexuality isn’t an issue then I’m totes happy for them :slightly_smiling_face:.


But IC = OOC when said IC value you’ve given a character has absolutely no base in the IC world whatsoever and runs off OOC cues. It’s basically equivalent to the “says something homophobic, but I’m joking really/just pretending” line of thought.

And as we all know you can say you’re joking, or you don’t really mean it, but you still get 100% of the scum points for doing so.

People shouldn’t RP expressively homophobic characters because it’s against ToS! Nothing else really matters!

I do agree that keeping IC and OOC separate / assuming others are doing the same is an extremely key aspect of RP but it doesn’t really apply here! Besides as a hypothetical if the subject in question wasn’t against ToS! But it is!

I mean you can do it but if you get reported / banned don’t cry!

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Not sure if you’re serious about that or making a joke but:

IC is IC.

Some of my characters dislike homosexuality (and other things listed above).
Both in the past and today Baylerleyn Retinue has LGBT players and we’re friends outside of WoW too.

I’m sorry that some LGBT people have had bad experiences with bigotry online. I’m also sorry that as a result they cannot differ IC from OOC when it comes to this topic.

Lord Bayerleyn sends his regards.

Probably not perfect but this is what I think he means.

”I am not Insert bad thing here, I have a/several Insert opposite to the previous thing here friend/s !”

Have you seen Japanese giant hornets ?

No and I very much intend to live my life that way.