Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Are we going to seek zero tolerance towards other matters example bringing your living waifu in Acherus to respect Death Knights and the list goes on.


What’s the lore here?


Angelus one day decided to bring his living wife/girlfriend in Acherus, for an Ebon event.

In the middle of a good dozen of Death Knights.



legendary axe of the Ebon Blade?

give it TO ME

it belongs in the hands of a true death knight 


 where do you even start with this?


You don’t start at all. You recognise that it’s woefully ignorant and dismissive of LGBT experience – nothing more needs to be said.


For a guy playing a frost death knight you spit fire like a mage.


If you get someone like that ask him In Character why he dislikes LGBT.

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Homophobia is whack.

Now this thread has grown pretty long and I’ve read bits and pieces of it and I think almost everything has been said. But I’ll give my 2 cents too

  • RPing a bigot is a tired crutch if you want to play a douche. If you wanna get your kick of confrontational RP spice it up by being the gayest douche instead (pun intended)
  • There is plenty of fetishisation going on in the server if you know where to look. And this probably is why there aren’t many transgender characters and if they are they get confused for a hypersexualized fantasy creature and are avoided. Which is unfortunate because I’ve met some really interesting characters out there.

Nothing I can add that hasn’t been said tbh. I face similar issues in DnD groups sometimes, and if i’m the DM I’ve always put it like so:

“It is your responsibility to make your character enjoyable to interact with, if your character has aspects that are making other players uncomfortable outside the game, then it is your responsibility to address that.”


“Your character is not a rogue AI you have no influence over, so saying it’s just what they would do, while knowing full well it’s going to upset people outside the game, is not a valid excuse.”

Now for RP communities like this, you don’t have to abide by the “They must always be co-operative” rule of TTRPGs, but you should still strive to make your character interesting and enjoyable to interact with. If your character is unfun to interact with, or just grates/upsets people OOCly, then maybe it’s worth reevaluating that character rather than digging your heels in, then wondering why nobody wants to interact with them at all.

The ONLY point of view I might accept from a character not super keen on same sex relationships would be a very pragmatic viewpoint, particularly for more tradition driven or tribal backgrounds. But even then that shouldn’t be used as an excuse to drop modern slurs or be outright hateful of others. That’s just a complete mood kill for everyone around and is unnecessary.

If you want to RP an unlikeable sod, go ahead. But find a reason that isn’t extremely low hanging fruit. A jaded, cynical mercenary? A grunt with anger issues? A mage with a dangerously flexible moral code? I could go on.


The problem I tend to find with players who have decided that their character needs to be an aggressive bigot, is that they usually decide that “it’s not my fault that no one enjoys engaging with my character, it’s everyone else’s!”

There’s a real lack of introspection into how they’re perceived by others and why that is. It’s usually because edgy humour in their social circles is so normalised that they don’t really compute when the broader community - and especially individuals with personal experiences related to their chosen brand of bigotry - takes issue.


“I’ve made my character a horrible, horrible person with zero redeeming qualities or depth beyong ‘guy with a sword that grunts a lot and hates guys holding hands’. Why won’t anyone hang out with me?!”


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be gay do crimes


I’m fine with that btw.

(jk obviously)

Unless you have a proper, debilitating mental illness.

Your character does not write themself.

The words they speak, the actions they do are put there by you, not the character.

So quit using the its IC excuse for being a poor human being OOC.


I think that sometimes roleplayers have this habit or mentality where, while their character exists on the screen, they cease to be as a person, akin to somebody like Sacha Baron Cohen costuming himself up and not for a moment showing his true colours or personality for as long as he remains on camera.

In some ways, it’s admirable that people will stick with what their character would do so strictly, it can show a real dedication to that character’s integrity. However, in instances like this, I believe that doing so is detrimental to the enjoyment of other roleplayers.

As a side, I also just want to take the time to thank everyone who’s supported the LGBT+ community during this thread, and for keeping it as civil as it mostly has been. I understand that this is a topic that can incite a lot of anger and I won’t pretend that I haven’t found myself getting emotional during certain responses, but I believe that passion has mostly been put to the good use of making AD a better place for an often marginalized group.


This is a very good option to go with when it comes to character writing, especially if you do not want your character to be bounced from the actions and decisions of someone else’s character they are in a IC relationship with. You can pretty much control the narrative and story you wish to tell with your own RP character and the NPC that is just a background flavour element.

When it comes to playing out IC relationships, though. It’s extremely important that both of the people behind the screens know what it is. Is it just IC between characters or is there something that could grow to a connection OOC as well? Both people need to be on the same line or you will always risk heartbreak and drama for the actual people involved.

My suggestion is to either have a NPC like Loras said or if you are playing out a IC romance with another person’s character, make sure that you are both on the same page, instead of thinking that IC translated over into OOC feelings.

Also, to keep the thread on-topic. Homophobia is lame.

Regarding this bit, all I will say is that I geniuenly don’t doubt that the same people who are willing to spout homophobic remarks carefree either IC or OOC would also be the kind of people who will spam someone with “MMMMMMM BACON :))))))” and pictures of various meat products if someone tells them they’re a vegetarian just for some douchy “joke” or show what an absolute memester they are.

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To be honest the point about mentioning other sensitive groups was more aimed at the zero tolerance treatment that was being discussed such as exclusion from server wide events, communities and so on.

I just brought up Vegetarian as one example I guess better to mention mental illness may be a better comparison as it is something I have seen people use to downgrade people in RP before which doesn’t really have any valid support in the lore as well and it is just quite downright rude towards people who have disabilities.

In the end I support that we shouldn’t have homophobic people running around and ruining things but my aim was how should it be done in practice since there are other areas which also could be brought in and should be preached not to be done as well IC.

In the end people only quoted the part they disliked instead of reading the entire post.

Thank you, i feel better now that you say that my attraction for men is a mental illness rather than a culinary choice !