Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Magni x Therazane


Muradin x Thargas Anivlmar.
Captain Fareeya x Ishanah.
Geya’rah x Exarch Hellscream
Azuregos x Anara the Spirit Healer. No I don’t care that Blizzard said he moved on, that’s BS. They were great together and they can work this out.
Hemet Neswingwary x Actually interesting quests for once in his life


neltharion x Malygos, the true warcraft bromance love story doomed to tragedy… :pensive:

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Magni x The Champion

Gotta be a reason why he keeps calling!





He keeps calling because he has an azerite addiction, and you’re his regular dealer of that good :poop:.

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Dear Champyun, I called you, but you still ain’t callin’
I left my Heart, my armour and my essences at the bottom
I sent two world quests back in autumn, you must not’ve got ‘em
There probably was a problem at the Heart Forge or somethin’


Champyun, I need ye to use yer “heart of Azeroth” te heal mi “woons”!

“Flynn, are you drunk again?”
“No daddy.”
“I swear by the light, i told you to stop calling me that…”

OCH laddae you just posted cringe

OCH before lockdown I worked near Brighton, you would be surprised how common it is to hear almost those exact words.

Oh and to never trust a man called David…

As far as i remember real world and wow are not realy the same. So as long as this hate happens ic it is normal in terms of universe, but it goes to ooc and even whispers that is where you should be bothered.

is it? Can you hit me with a few canon examples of homophobia? Take your time.


Why don’t you first provide example of cannon example of lgbt to begin with? Wow is medival fantasy setting and you expect it to have society of real world?

It’s been linked before, here it is again: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Sexuality#Homosexuality_and_bisexuality

It’s portrayal doesn’t crop up as often as it perhaps should, but it’s there.


I personaly can remember of only two sentinels in dragonblight, yet if act of hate happens ic it still matches the setting and should be fought icly or through /ignore. Bringing gms or demanding ban that is overstretch. But if it happens oocly in personal messages for example it should be brought to blizz.

Okay well it doesn’t matter what you can remember, because there’s more than that, in the link that I posted. And if you can remember a canon example, why’d you even bother asking for them? You already knew it existed in WoW. Unlike homophobia, which doesn’t.


So what you mean that it is posible that there are opinions what can be looked only from one side? As long there is opinion there always be people who not agree or hate it. It’s logical, don’t you think? Plus also it is vast space for rp but apparently some people want to live in safe space where nothing happens.

Backpeddle harder if you can. You’ve gone from “homophobia is normal in wow” to “are there any actual lgbt in wow” to “well maybe people should be allowed to RP it even if there’s no canon for it whatsoever”.

I’m sorry that the idea of not being homophobic is so hard on you.


Elenthas beat me to it, there’s also more incoming in the expansion :slight_smile: so, where’s the canon homophobia. Shoot.