Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Dont think being gay is an opinion either


Being gay maybe not but when you say it loud you express the opinion isn’t it? ANd did you honestly expected blizz to include example of homophobia in their game and cause s. storm on their forums. What i meant that in wow seting it is posible that character CAN(not should) express hate towards different groups and that if it happens icly counter actions should be through ic means too

No, and they didn’t, so it’s not an in-universe thing.

Yeah agree but there are better grounds for such conflict.
Is sexual orientation and human skin colour the only thing you can think of when it comes to conflict in RP?

It’s starting to sound a lot like it is, despite the copious quantities of alternatives this game presents.

So, we have gone from “its an inuniverse thing”, to “you cant prove gays exist”, to “you just want a safe space”, to “i dont have canon examples but its the only way to have conflict in rp”

Anything else you want to reveal about yourself?


WHat does human skin color have to do it.In wow race is not the same as in our world. Or should we call for gm when someone says that they hate dwarf, gnome tauren, orc as it is pure racism?
And yet again if there weren’t certain opinion even if it is hatefull then it never happen.Is it realy that hard to belive that for example in feudal kingdom some farmer couldn’t think that he hates when one man dates another for example, come on…
And yet again about fighting homophobia if you want to fight it, don’t you think that you can cause more damage through ic then ooc?
That i meant by "hiding in safe space"IF you face homophobia in your rp instead of caling a gm you should fight it and in process develop your char even more thought it.

No mate, wrong


Yep it is. Humans live in the same baracks since warcraft 3 and still have peasants and land deed. While orc basicly have slavery at some point.

Medieval with space ships o.0

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Which medieval society had the tesla coils?


Yeah nothing screams like 5th to 15th century with dwarves in tanks, magic lazers, spaceships


So what would you call warhammmer seting then? One with elves and dwarves?

We’re talking about warcraft not warhammer?


Oh i am sorry humans still live in castles, near tanks you usualy see balistas and most of rangers are archers…YEah it is so modern

you got proven wrong, its over…

Core of wow is still medival fantasy.

There are aspects that are, but the entire universe of warcraft isn’t medieval.

were there tanks in medieval times?

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I don’t rember moderns houses cars or hordepads. Orcs live in shaks made of bones and leather humans live in castles dwarves like in every fantasy underground. trolls in tans or how was it called. And they basicly still have medival ways of ruling their goverments some even tribalistic.
Despite all those spaceships and tanks society is still as it was in was warcraft 1 or 2

That sort of Wrong, Kingdom have catles yes, that is an aspect of wow who was taken from medival times, but Just because wow has a tiny inspiration in medival cultural, doesnt make it a medival settling.

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okay cool i agree, so why do you feel a compulsion to insert homophobia? Are your opinions always this inconsistent or do you just dislike boys kissing boys?

yeah because there’s no basis for it

I say as i zip by in my Divine Spaceship loaded with Divine Mechas and an equally Divine Orbital Laser

that’s on par with expecting me to take the childlovers in Goldshire as an IC problem rather than an extremely blatant OOC problem.

i fly over your peasant with my war-zeppelin loaded with helicopters, machine guns, and mustard gas.

and draenei in a spaceship (which is just one of many)


https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/294823-keys-to-the-hot-rod.jpg You mean like this?