Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Throm-Ka brother. I am Samuro. My humble skills are yours. Vol’jin entrusted me with a batch of explosive wards filled with an unstable concoction. If I can place them on some critical structures, I could create enough of a distraction to allow you to sneak across the channel in this boat.

I also hate gay people. It’s a clan-wide sentiment, don’t take it personally.

  • Samuro, WC3

[Prepares a blood rune on his body]


So, round about homophobia.

To start with, be what you like to be. I have no issues with it. But who you bring it out is other thing. If you push it to others face constantly “Yeah. I like men/women only. You should respect my choises.” to the degree you would scold ever person who even says little bit bad about you. You can’t expect every person to like, just because you are gay. But, some times the reason it is not your sexual orientation, but how you act. There is clear difference.

And there was something about racism. Xenophobia.

dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

I think a lot of people when they’re younger decide their character thinks that kind of thing because it’s a hook for conflict but the truth is even with the OOC offense it will obviously cause it just isn’t a good angle for adversarial RP - it’s just a bit cheap and will never go anywhere interesting + isn’t really something ever shown in the setting to be a widespread sentiment

When I was younger it was way more common for sure (even in my own roleplay) but I think eventually you realise there’s better stories to be told that won’t wind people up and you can still have your character beef with others for 100 other far more interesting reasons


I do not wish to be liked because I am gay. I simply wish for that to be a part of me that is accepted, not mocked, and not belittled for. I wish to be liked by the merits of my actions, as would the vast majority of LGBTQ+ individuals.

As for xenophobia/racism - canonically, there is at least a basis for that in Warcraft. A human disliking an orc, or a worgen disliking a forsaken for the damage that was done to their homes. I’m admittedly not as caught-up on Horde lore and events, but I’m certain there’s some points that go in the other direction too.

However, using homophobic language and slurs invalidates the merits of criticism levied elsewhere - at that point you are just criticizing something that somebody was born with and has no control over.


Hating elves based on the colour of their skin/sexuality = broke

Hating elves based on the colour of their eyes = woke



Nobody expects this, you have just invented a fictional representation of the “bad LGBT+ people” that exists only in your head in order to make this point

When the two are linked there’s absolutely precedence to think you’re discriminating instead of just disliking a specific person’s behaviour


To me, it read a little bit like:
“I don’t hate homosexuals, I just hate it when they act homosexual.”

Which is, unfortunately, very common rhetoric. “Don’t shove it in my face” can often be roughly translated to “don’t make any public mention of your sexuality”.


Your Guild name fits you a bit too well after this response.

While behaviour/quirks especially of the flamboyant side don’t right away mean a character or person is part of the LGBT, a lot of people especially these days build themselves around these subjects, so responses like yours really just feel like you’re trying to condemn someone for how they act, whilst also mentioning that the person indeed is part of the LGBT community.

Loras put it better than me here.


And at that point, these people want you to go to Ikea, build yourself a closet, and forever stay there.


With video-games its very usually the “I dont want politics in my game.”

And apparantly if you think a person of the same gender is cute, or happen to have any other skin-colour than pale eggshell, then it’s a political statement.


Bro why can’t we go back to when games were just fun and not political, I loved Fallout and Bioshock


Spams Liberty Prime memes unironically

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My death knight character, Witherwell, was the first character I ever made that was “open” about his sexuality, to the extent he mentioned once that he had a mate once in his life, and they were male.

It had zero imprint on my RP because I was playing a death knight, an asexual undead being who has little/no interest in any sort of romance roleplay. Despite this, some guildies would treat any mention of his past life as “shoving it in their face”, despite there being another human DK RPer in the guild who would always talk about how much his misses his dead wife.

Basically, it’s only overly-exposed/shoving in your face if you’re queer. Otherwise, it’s just romance.


I am all for inclusion myself when it comes to something a lot of people do and share, of course when it comes to both marketing and the product itself, there are good ways and bad ways you can go about it.

Some companies just try and reel people in, using promises of inclusivity and diversity as their main hooks, reducing people usually to bargain bin selling points, but there are also companies that do add semi-realistic and realistic depictions of people and sexualities that are as you said, often seen as just “Political” in the mainstream.

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Well, yeah. This isn’t an 18+ rated game you know! You can’t have the…you know…THOSE people in the game! This is a game for children!


It’s just a right-wing talking point designed to silence and demean LGBT people, and I ain’t got time for it.


Relating the earlier point made by a poster, I agree the toxic masculinity tropes of “me stronk hero” are responsible for a lot of this. Within such fictions all too often LGBT chars are portrayed in rather one dimensional manners; they’re always the minstrel, the courtesan, etc. Part of me gets that (in history such individuals would have been almost forced into such roles) but it does set the precedent that the tough soldier characters etc must be straight, and a character can’t be “as serious” or a Deviation from said creative roles if they’re anything different from macho, ie eccentric for example.

I’m straight myself, married, kids etc. However I play gnomes. Now for me a good part of why gnomes aren’t taken seriously by most “chads” (particularly male gnomes, females get a bit more of a pass) is because gnomes are very eccentric, somewhat flamboyant, they’re not very macho at all. They can be I guess, but their racial trope is that they’re pretty much in direct contradiction of many macho stereotypes. This is why I think a lot of people relegate them to comic relief or “the supporting char” or such, because on an objective level they conform to a lot of bad tropes for gay men. You see this less with goblins and dwarves, which are also small races, because they’re objectively more macho. Dwarves, obviously, goblins well they’re overall more gnarly and have the whole corporate shark thing going on.

The only other small race is vulpera, but they’re so associated with the whole animalrace theme they kind of get a pass to be what they are.

I just find it interesting that gnomes, get the perception they do as a human resembling race, which is essentially very unmacho. This isn’t to change the subject, it’s to iterate the whole toxic element of masculinity is present in various gaming playerbases and it’s something LBGT individuals have to swim against and honestly they really shouldn’t have to in this day and age.


To be quite honest being emotionally balanced and mature is much more manly than the forced grrr me strong gonna beat up the gays trope your quote unquote manly characters try to pass in RP


Basically be like the men of LOTR


All the more reason pre-MoP Garrosh was the coolest. Remember Stonetalon lads. We were robbed. :pensive: