Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

my only three points I feel are worth me arguing over with you on this response is:

1.) Freedom of Speech doesn’t cover private games/chat nor does it actually cover hate speech against people.

2.) Homophobia and similliar things isn’t allowed to type or say on any Blizzard platform by their rules, so it’s already there.

3.) The Ignore feature is there as a final saftey security for people against those breaking the rules. It’s not an excuse to say w/e someone wants. It’s an additional security feature.


But it’s my free will, and the free will of others, to enforce Argent Dawn as an accepting place for people who have a sexual orientation beyond straight.

I question why you, as a gay male, would ever argue against a friendlier environment for those like yourself. I’ll admit that in real life I’ve never had to deal with homophobes, and I’m quite grateful for that - but just because I’ve never had that struggle, it doesn’t mean that others haven’t, and if that’s the case for you too, I would ask you to consider how allowing homophobes free reign over roleplay without criticism or reprecussions would affect you if you were in a position less fortunate.

This is blatantly untrue. Homophobia is often rooted in religious ideals, or false notions of gay people being less masculine than straight people, or people dealing with their own insecure sexuality as a result of what I previously mentioned, or of other factors. Saying ‘hey, can we try to create a friendlier place online’ is not what causes homophobia and I would advise you to heavily reconsider your viewpoint if that is how you honestly feel.




This from Shadow’s Rising(the new book) + what we know of the first Night Warrior’s relationship status kinda proves Homophobia doesn’t have a basis at all in roleplay.


Cool. The more examples we have, the better.


Hol’ up, finna respond to this. Peeps already said this is Warcraft, not Warhammer. But let’s carefully inspect each Warhammer race.

Humans, well. Which one? There’s several nations of men alone, are we talking of the Empire? Or perhaps Kislev? Maybe the Border Princes? Or Tilea, Estalia and Ind? Perhaps Nippon or Cathay or Araby? Marienburg or Nehekhara? Let’s take a look on them and see what historical time period they were based on.

Kislev, well. The Kislevites are based on late Muscovite Russia / early Tsardom of Russia, so no, I’m sorry. That’s a few years ((read a lot)) after the Medieval Age ended.
The Empire? Well, that’s obvious. It’s the Holy Roman Empire of the Renaissance, from roughly around the period of the Thirty Years’ War if you want an exact-ish date, but it depends where in the Empire you are. Still, no province in the Empire is Medieval.
The Border Princes, Estalia and Tilea? Well, they’re all based on Italy and Spain from the Renaissance, so the same time period as the Empire. Sorry, that isn’t Medieval either.
Ind? Well, we don’t know much about the Kingdoms of Ind beyond the fact it is based on India, with very spiritual people with splendid rulers. Well known for their spices, as well. But they are noted as having talwar swords, though they’re named tulwar in Warhammer, which would suggest that they are within the time frame of the middle and later Middle Ages, yes.
Nippon? Well, that’s literally just Japan during the Shogunate. They changed so little until the yanks went in and did some gunboat diplomacy, but unlike Japan, Nippon is still noted as being a massive military threat to Cathay, Warhammer’s Chinese Empire. So they are probably more advanced than Japan ever was until 1853.
Now, as for Cathay. It’s the Chinese Empire, but it’s a Chinese Empire well beyond the limitations of the Middle-Ages. They have blackpowder weaponry and lots of it.
Araby, that’s a lot easier to pintpoint. They’re based largely on the European perspective of Islam and the Arab world. So they’re Medieval.
Marienburg, well. That’s from the same timeperiod as the Empire of Man, but Dutch instead of German.
Nehekhara is also very easy, they are based ancient Egypt. So they aren’t Medieval either, because they are based on something that came much earlier than the start of the Medieval Age. Now, fun fact though, they’d often buy blackpowder weapons from Cathay. So they were in many ways more technologically advanced than a lot of Medieval nations.
Norsca, well, that’s just Scandinavia during the Viking Age.
Perhaps the Amazons or Albions? No, they aren’t Medieval either. Both are based on something that existed well before the establishment of the Medieval Ages - respectively the mythological Amazons of Greek myth and the ancient celts of Britannia before the Roman Invasion.

Now, you might have seen that I left one out. And that’s Bretonnia, and it’s fairly obvious why. With their overwhelmingly Arthurian inspired mythos, they are the posterboys of the Medieval Age in Warhammer Fantasy. But that’s my point. A single nation ((three, in this case - Bretonnia, Nippon and Araby; possibly four with Ind)) doesn’t make the entire world Medieval.

The dwarfs? Last time I checked, helicopters, tanks, ironclad ships, trains and the beginnings of steam cars aren’t Medieval at all. They are steam punk through and through. And that’s without looking at the Chaos Dwarfs, who are even more nutters and wild with anything they have made simply because they don’t suffer from the overwhelmingly conservative mindset of the Engineers’ Guild of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, if it ain’t old, it ain’t good.”
The elves? Sure, they are more Medieval than the dwarfs and humans; more so than Bretonnia in some cases, given the fact that Bretonnia does use blackpowder weaponry. But last time I checked, amazingly powerful casters with long, pointed ears and basically infinite lifespans did not exist in the Medieval Age. Technological level = / = Medieval.


Damn, I’m bi, then what am I ?

I mean, it’s against the terms of service. It’s quite literally breaking rules.


Wonderful! Because everyone is!


More like I am melting in this heat. :skull_and_crossbones:


I feel you, it’s been a solid 29-31 degrees in the SHADE the whole week.


But what if… we’re not…

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Ancient nehekara had flying machines and their constructs are magic, science and art in one. They’re ridiculously advanced and so are the lizardmen, combining stone age clubs with flying pyramids and manipulation of electrical currents. Mostly ancient alien technology, though.

Under this harsh sun, all are equal… ly cooked.


I’ll qoute the Firebat from SC2.

“Mah goose is gettin’ cooked.”

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But we are!

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And on the whole Medieval topic.

I personally think it says a bit more about the person themselves & their own believes for making the key association with what makes a setting “Medieval” being homophobia.

The reason behnd it then was due to a long history of religious and political reasons and viewpoints used to opress and control and many other things. It didn’t come as a natural thing just because people started to wear plate armour and fight with swords.

But apparantly to some people, if your story as 1 chainmail in it, then everyone has to be mega-racist & homophobic cus “its medival and its the setting!”


In Vol’dun there is a story of a special plant. This plant is strange because it most often pollinates with plants other than itself. This gives rise to delicious fruits that eventually bloom from the stems, they’re shaped like little hearts and they are the sweetest thing your lips can taste.
Sometimes on rare occasions,these plants will not pollinate with different plants, instead it will only pollinate with those identical to itself. Sometimes a plant will pollinate with both.
In every case, the heart shaped fruits appear and more sweetness is added to the world. So we ask ourselves why do we concern ourselves with how the hearts came to be there? The important thing is they are, and the world is sweeter for it.

We have a word for those who would cut down the plants that displayed different pollination habits, depriving the growth of further hearts. I believe in your tongue it is “outcasts”.

I do not know what happened to them all, but if one listens to the buzzards carefully, sometimes it sounds like they are boasting about feeding from the bones of those who once had names.

The moral of the story is, when sweetness is in short supply, to deprive the world of it because you do not like how it came to be is selfish, and you should not expect your cushion to remain around the campfires of others forever if so.


Who’s more insufferable? The overdosing of modern grimdark tropes or the HEMA fetishists drowning every interaction in a phlegmy “ackchyually”?

Either way, injecting one’s own imaginary medieval catholic repression into a setting devoid of it hints at different issues altogether.


Modern grimdark tropes, the HEMA fetishists have at least a leg to stand on when it comes to humans vs humans fighting each other; even that is iffy at best the moment you throw in anything that isn’t humans vs humans, and even then the average human in Azeroth isn’t anything like a human from IRL. I do personally love a good ol’ fashioned mordhau myself, though.

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I personally find it a bit funny that there is still alot of people who geniuenly seem to believe that the “Dark Ages” means that it was gritty and terrible and dark(kinda was but in a diffrent way) and that’s the naming reason.

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Don’t roleplay homophobia, don’t be homophobic, live and let live. Be happy and enjoy roleplay without being narrow minded, let others do what they wanna do, have fun.

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