Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Cruisin’ for ERP and playing a character who just happens to fancy fellow fillies are two very different things.

This is a problem and it does bug me deeply. However, while personally I find it in poor taste to have these lesbian characters clearly played by men (and you know they are because of how they describe their character in the about tab, and how they constantly reference certain body parts in emotes at every chance they get), saying “I dislike gay characters now” because you saw a few individuals acting indecently is incredibly closed minded.

I’ve seen these sorts of characters too, and no, I don’t like them. But I’m not then going to raise my fist in anger at everyone else just because a group of people lack the tact to keep their thirst out of roleplay.


I’m sorry to have to inform you that men and women are both capable of this to a comical excess. It’s not a good indicator of anything.

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That’s a good point. Ultimately it still stands that these overly thirsty players constantly emoting the size and texture and colour of certain body parts makes for an uncomfortable roleplaying experience all the same, though.

And what’s frustrating is that so often these sorts of roleplayers get associated with the LGBTQ+ community. Even in this thread there’s been people linking the LGBTQ+ playerbase with ERPers, when I feel like if a straight couple were to be mentioned on a public forum, the thought of them being ERPers and thus needing to warn them about not ERPing wouldn’t come up. Maybe that’s overly cynical on my part, but still.

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That’s more a systemic issue of treating it like a fetish people are indulging in rather than just something normal.

I wish there was a way to collectively sticky a post within a thread, so the cyclic arguments would cease. Kind of WeirdChamp to see this thread active again after a week because someone did not read through 600 posts of the same stuff just to spout the same stuff.

In other news, I knew about the Shadowlands Night Warrior lore, but for some reason I did not expect the Wowhead comments on it to be negative/crying about PC culture or w/e. Alas, I was wrong.

Oh well. :frowning:


The few times I’ve been to Wowhead commen’ts section, they seem to be closer and closer to MMO-Champion’s general typical “Jock wow gamer” attitude, that claims everything is just pandering to PC and etc etc.

Same old tired rants from the same angry boys.

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Oh yeah, I’ve seen it on MMO-Champion too much as well. It’s very :grimacing:

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Tend to agree with it- or rather, in my case it’s mostly when a character seems to put their sexual preference in their RP profile, or lays it on very thick- It feels more like an attention grab than anything else. Or like Laz said- a fetishization.
And face it, in real life, it’s become a bit of a meme as well-

Thing is, when people open their very first introduction about themselves by declaring their sexual preferences, fetishes or food morals- chances are they aren’t very interesting individuals to begin with, hence they bring up something that is ‘shocking’ or ‘attention worthy’ to become seen.

  • I tend to act the same way in roleplay as in real life about it- with little to no care at all. Love who you love, fine. I’m not here to help you with it, or give you a push in the back.

Or, they just want to make their identity clear so they wouldn’t have to later down the line to break away from pre-assumed identities. If someone’s a vegetarian, they’d probably want to make it clear that they perhaps don’t want to go to a steakhouse or something and save you the confrontation later down the line.

Not saying that attention-grabbers don’t exist, but if you only hear about it on the very first introduction, it’s … literally okay, as it’s the introduction to who they are?

If it keeps continuing heavily, for example in every interaction something keeps being brought up, then that’s a different case. Same for TRP profiles imo, but we’ve already been over that before, both with TRP descriptions being explicit and overdetailed or telling the orientation/other details in the profile.


A problem with this though, is that from what we’ve seen with alot of testimonies, it’s not so much as “first introduction” but more along the lines of this:

  • Person A has written in their trp that their character has a wife/husband of the opposite gender, and briefly mentions this during a convo IC. It’s seen as fine and good roleplay.

  • Person B has written in their trp that their character has a wife/husband of the same gender, and briefly mentions this during a convo IC. It’s seen as attention-seeking/displaying their sexuality where it isnt needed, and in alot of cases also talked down on both IC and OOC.


In my eyes, it’s pretty much like the “lustful/chaste” meter in rp addons, where lustful is turned up to max. It’s more of a statement that you’re just actively looking for ERP most of the time rather than something people should find out about you, be it sooner or later.

You know damn well the type that will bring up being a Vegan pretty much the first conversation regardless what it’s about, rather than when food comes to topic.

Often it’s more of a political statement rather than one of introducing.

Louder for the people at the back:

my existence is not

nor is it


I take issue with this notion that being anything other than straight inheritly means you’re some sexual deviant & pervert.


It’s despicable when people assume that saying ones sexuality that isn’t straight means they must be a deviant tbf. That’s one huge problem in this world.


I’d love to see how much ~unnecessary~ stuff is in your RP profile


have no fear i am equally uninterested no matter what someone’s orientation is



First of all. My apologies, my reply might upset certain people.

I myself, am a Gay male, somewhere in his twenties.
I read, Homophobia needs to cease… In a game, where people play characters. I understand-… That not everyone is happy with homophobia in real life and inside the game. But as the topic starter said. Everyone here seeks to escape real life and find themselves in a character.

I find it, absurd… No unnecessary to enforce such claim made by the topic starter. It tells quite a lot about a person who seeks to enforce certain rights. As we’re still all have free will, and free will of speech.

I did not read all the 840 reactions to this post. But… As it is in my rights, to speak up my mind. I say… This topic is quite unnecessary. For those… Who are not accepted within their community, are unable to leave said community. I truly am sorry and wish that I was able to help… But when you are in the game itself-… There is a feature called “Ignore”. If matters are taken Out of Character, then of course I understand you being upset-… But when someone plays a character who is quite homophobic. And you dislike that person and or his or her actions. Just ignore them and do not try to rob them of THEIR free will.

Again, my apologies for those hurt by my reply. But-… This is probably one of the reasons that people turn homophobic. Because people feel endangered, told who to like and what to do… For the Transgenders under us. Who didn’t have a supporting family or a gay boy or girl who is kicked out of their house because acting a certain way is wrong-… Is hideous. But do not reflect that in-game.

We’re already at war with ourselves… Do not turn it in to something in a game on which people seek peace and fun/pleasure. (Get your head out of the gutter-… This was meant seriously.)

If you’d like to discuss further on this topic. Please do not hesitate to contact me.
I’ve spoken my mind, and wish you all a fortunate time <3


Conflicting statements.

yeah me also but i’m not sure why this needs announcing.

if just slapping everyone who slips up on ignore is the way you think an RP community prospers you are incredibly incorrect. It’s far better to help each other be better.

If they ‘turn homophobic’ for being told to not bring homophobia into a setting where it doesn’t exist then they were already homophobic, you don’t need to devil’s advocate them.

yeah i, as previously stated a gay male, seek fun and peace on this game. So let’s not bring in homophobia without a cause to do so, people already have to deal with it IRL.