Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

By reporting breaches of ToS to the GMs :slight_smile:


Considering that the taboo of homosexuality in medieval Europe was heavily based in Christianity, it’s not surprising that it wouldn’t apply in WarCraft anyway.

For all the aesthetic similarities, the Church of the Holy Light doesn’t actually share a lot of doctrine with any Christian denomination I know of. So what exactly is people’s justification for IC homophobia if not religious or cultural?


I have and will, but I’d argue it’s a bandaid and not a solution.

Depends what you mean about sexuality. I’d say it’s all fine and dandy to include different sexual orientations in the stories (ie. have same-sex characters being married and play a role your short story). It is something you can do in-game aswell: your character’s off-screen girlfriend is, well, a girl. Speak about what you do together and stuff like that.

But one thing I’d rather not see is people turning LGBT into a sexual kink flag. Being gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans doesn’t have to involve what your genitals are doing all the time. It’s more than just “oh, I have intercourse with this category”. WoW is getting famous for ERP, so let’s be careful not to overload our stories with heavy sexual connotations.


I meant more in the category of for example featuring articles like ‘differences in Warcraft lore from fantasy tropes’. After all, Azeroth doesn’t need to celebrate Pride, because tolerance is the norm, which can be a huge step for some roleplayers that are just starting out.

And why sexuality? Because it is still mentioned and talked about in ingame /flirts, for example. It doesn’t have to go to any adult content territory.


The closest thing one might see is the species with exceptionally low populations, such as Blood/High Elves, wanting to continue the survival of their people with regular births.

That would not manifest as traditional homophobia, however. It would involve some LGBT elves taking part in ‘their duty to Silvermoon’ before returning to whatever relationships they choose - and even then, it wouldn’t be a good story to look into in detail.

I think the story involving Fairshaw will give us some context about same-sex couples.

But better treat Taelia well or someone else is going to use that hammer.


this discussion has been had upthread but, put simply, if you see an lgbt character and your first thought is ‘sexual deviant’, you’re homophobic. That’s textbook homophobia, turning the existance of lgbt people into sexual deviancy. That sort of thing is an unfortunate feature of rp, but bringing it up in a discussion about lgbt characters again and again feels like the retelling of a tired homophobic troupe that every legit rper who plays a non-straight character, or every lgbt person, is almost definitely sick of


I agree that it is a tiresome trope, but I am more inclined to view it as misinformation than homophobia.

Maybe the person hasn’t had many interactions with LGBT people and has a fragmented and wrong idea about what the group involves. It doesn’t have to be about hate.

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unfortunately, homophobic actions through ignorance are still homophobia, just, a more fixable kind. If it is genuine ignorance, sure, but I’ve got to the point where the excuse ‘he’s just not met many gay people’ ‘they’ve just lived a sheltered life’ becomes tired to have to justify my existence as a person, or my character’s existence to.


much like how we’re almost at 1000 responses on this thread and people are still using the same arguements, you feel?


“Stop shoving LGBT down our throats”

Straight people do it every day.

“Must be a deviant”

LGBT+ doesn’t mean deviant and includes -asexual people-.

The crap we hear…


Blizz definitely don’t want to explore a story where the power structures are enforcing breeding on their populace.


Honestly? In 2020?
If someone has an opinion on us qu**rs and manages to be ignorant on these kinds of matters, that’s intentional ignorance.

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I personally view it differently. Judging someone’s tolerance or intolerance by some fragmented reactions isn’t my thing.

The Bloodmaiden’s Tale


That category best not be “Before marriage” :gun:

Only Genghis Khan is allowed to do that.

Dang it now you’ve said the trigger words, I’m forced to awaken once more and reveal myself as a Mongolian sleeper agent.

I can accept an Azeroth with gay marriage - but I cannot accept an Azeroth outside the rule of the mighty Khans.

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I see your Genghis and raise you a Jaghatai.

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