Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Guess some people are just crazy excited to show that they’re homophobes


Will admit it’s a little unsettling that there’s as many to be able to community flag a post at all.

Most bigots are pretty cowardly when in the company of decent people, so it’s no great surprise.

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Probably because it’s blue, pink and white. Like the trans flag.


The transformative aspect too, maybe?

Interesting too see this topic going, but disgusting too see people defending the homophobic crap.

Stop the hate, Be better human or start Unsubbing we dont want such people in our community, specialy argent dawn.

Love is Love. :rainbow_flag:


Probably, but by that logic can’t all pokemans be considered “trans symbols”?

Feebas is definitely an egg, there is 0 doubt in my mind

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Probably – which isn’t a bad thing. But otherwise, what Starshade is getting at.

I… don’t get it. What are they getting at? Is it something hilariously pokemon’y?

Also, stay on too the topic.
If you wish too discuss Pokemon - Make your own and not here.

You can also flag any post at any point as long as you have 5 characters because of the " cutting edge " new forum system so it’s more likely to be that really


The thread’s gone on for a month, and most of us have been around for the whole ride. OP is happy enough with people now discussing diverging topics relating to LGBT convos.

In this case, Pokémon with regards to the trans community.

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Egg is an internet term that means a ‘baby trans’ - a trans person who has not yet realised their identity. Almost always used by trans people to refer to their past rather than trying to out someone prematurely.

Usually something will happen that will make them realise and the egg will be cracked - which makes Feebas/Milotic a very good analogy for transition. : )


r/egg_irl is a big trans subreddit, for example.

Aaaah right, like that. I’ve only ever heard “baby trans” before so thanks for the vocab increase. :heart:


I don’t think trans people “own” puberty, guy.

Of course we do. Otherwise, how would we get twice as many as the rest of you? :smile:


You don’t though. :thinking:

My sweet summer child.