Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Yeah that’s, uh, literally exactly what HRT (hormone replacement therapy) does.

(Disclaimer: I am aware that not every trans person chooses to or has the opportunity to transition, and transition is not a prerequisite to be valid as trans.)



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It’s a Pokémon dude; they’re identifying with the positive aspects and how it can compare to their experiences, not laying claim to the concept of puberty.

(they in this context refers to some trans people who have an interest in Japanese video games and not the whole)

I was about to call you on that so good disclaimer.

And yeah I don’t think anyone actually thought trans people have a claim to the concept of puberty. I like to imagine that was a bit of banter.


At this point, I don’t trust in the humour of people online when I see something unpleasant/prejudiced, so I envy your optimism :pensive:

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Haahahahahaaaa optimism. Yeah. That’s a real thing.
Honestly I like to imagine it but I never assume. ^^

Maybe that’s precisely your problem?

You see discrimination and oppression where it isn’t purely because of your jaded worldview.

But maybe this little back and forth jabbing doesn’t need to go further? Looks like no slights or nastiness was meant.

Trans people own puberty though. :smile:

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Given some of the nonsense posters have come out with just in this thread, I don’t think anyone could be blamed for skepticism regarding motives and intent

On both sides, yes.

Well – on one side, there’s been a defence of LGBT people and their place in the community. I don’t think that side has involved much in the way of nonsense.

You need only look at just about anything Starshade posts to see he’s intent on just throwing shade and making a mockery of everything rather than reasonable debate.

So both sides is wholly appropriate.

Yeah, the clue’s in the name

You haven’t provided anything to debate, my dude.


I don’t think that blatant homophobia/transphobia and throwing shade can really be considered comparable on the “nonsense scale”.

Besides, Starshade’s a good boy.


it only takes one person with a few alt characters on the same account, really.

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They don’t need to be on the same level. His intentions are still malicious, and thus justify skepticism from the other side in turn.

As far as I’ve seen, Starshade has bantered a bit but not detracted from the conversation. I don’t really get why it’s necessary to piss on him?
Imo we need to alleviate some seriousness or I will be very confused and worried. This IS Argent Dawn after all.

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My intentions are to point out that the things you have thus far said only make sense to say in the context of a person who either doesn’t understand an obvious joke about trans people going through a second puberty on HRT and/or has never met a trans person in their life to hear about their experiences.

I do this by gently poking fun so that you can figure that out on your own.


I suggest we start by, from now on, referring to HRT medication by it’s proper name.