Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Both of those statements are untrue. You’re just injecting your personal brand of misinformation and malice intent to try to spin the situation in your favour.

Are you okay?

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Who hurt you?

Fem&M’s, antiboyotics etc. :smile:


Speaking in broad reference to this thread (and others), I don’t think that it’s malice to respond to prejudice/bigotry with mockery.

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I understand that many in this thread, like myself, are flaming homosexuals, but if we could keep the inflammatory words to a minimum that would be greatly appreciated.


Fake-editing posts to try to demean the other person is indeed malice. I’m not surprised he got reported for it.

It’s pretty clear that someone is hopping between alts to place those reports :man_shrugging:

:man_shrugging: I just drop my singular report and move on.

Memeing on people who are just arguing for the sake of arguing on a sensitive topic is hardly malicious.


Speaking of;

Just ignore it.

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This is one of those times where I, as an autistic person, have to be genuinely concerned that someone is worse off than me and thinks that me making a joke in the vein of

is malicious disinformation rather than me just using the forum’s coding to amuse myself


That play on words hurt me on an emotional and physical level.


Pft, all you do is drop bait and spam the flag button like it rewards money.

Even if I did believe you’re afflicted in that way, using it as a excuse for poor behaviour isn’t okay.

Tit-tacs are my personal favourite.

And honestly, I get that fence-sitting at all times is considered a big brain move by some, but there’s a point where handwringing over memes in comparison to pink-faced screaming about mental illness, genetic dead ends, and accusation of noncery becomes laughable in itself


And we still love you for it.

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Thank you. I do my best. :heart:

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What harms one heals another. Puns give life, I tell you.


T|tty Skittles?