Just going to pitch in here since this is still ongoing for whatever reason.
Does anyone really care that much about what fictional entities say to other fictional entities.
It’s. Not. Real.
Just going to pitch in here since this is still ongoing for whatever reason.
Does anyone really care that much about what fictional entities say to other fictional entities.
It’s. Not. Real.
Our characters in WoW aren’t real actual people?
I never knew.
You have blown my MIND!
Just a quick question now that you have solved bigotry in online spaces:
Have you ever felt an emotion as a result of watching a movie or play, or while listening to a song?
Given the length of this thread, quite clearly yes. But given that you must’ve glossed over my initial post:
I hope this clears up any confusion.
RIP, prepare for the dogpile.
t. insecure altposter
And in today’s top 10 AD’s hypocrites…
I’ve never been accused of being malicious by saying the equivalent of ‘peepee poopoo’ before
And someone claiming something with no footing in the setting is actively wrong. It’s like claiming, out of the blue that your OC is a Skywalker.
Except it’s worse and actively injects [bad thing] where it does not belong for the sake of edge or muh medieval european fantasy setting realism.
I care about abiding by the ToS, Mion the Fourth
Cringe thing to post lol!
Nah its just a collector of bans. Mion reincarnates every month or two.
We don’t talk about episode 9 'round these here parts.
Or 8. Or 7. Or High Republic.
The trilogy ended with the battle of Endor.
The characters don’t exist as independent AI beyond our control. Your character does things because you, the player, wrote them that way. Any homophobia your character does was deliberately inserted by you in the first place.
Literally Reddit: the opinion
Phantom Menace was the only good star wars. If you don’t agree you just didn’t get it
Not even in jest.
Though, best lightsaber duel.
Revenge of the Sith was really good wtf
On the other hand, if said person is a noblemen/woman its rather funny due their notorious reputation during medieval times.
I must say I liked the Gungans vs Trade Federation too. All hail Bombad General Binks! Also dat “Activate the droids.” Marvelous.
You ever notice they play Qui-Gon’s funeral theme during Anakin’s fall to darkness and becoming Darth Vader?
The prequels are better than the sequels, because even if there are some moments that are a little poorly-done or cringey, at least you remember those moments.
I’ve only seen Episode 7 of the new trilogy and I just don’t remember any of it…