Homophobia in rp needs to cease

You can shove your gayness in my face.

[wiggles eyebrows]

Sorry, I thought we established that you’re actually straight, and I don’t like to associate with h*teros :nauseated_face:

I can’t believe you’ve done this

My ship is ruined, how could you.

Those… things… exist?

Not on my AD they don’t

You had me so worried.

imagine being str*ight


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Or don’t. Definitely don’t.

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My brain suggested “hamtaros” for this.
I need more sleep.

You mean the little hamster’s big adventures?!

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I remember love watching the cute hamster cartoon/anime when I was younger.

I don’t remember much of any of the plots in the episodes.

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I still remember some of the theme song. “Name has gone to school, let’s go to our ham-ham club house. We can somethingsoemthing just be quiet as a mouse! Watch out for those cats you know they’re smarter than you think… Something… something…”

Names were like Oxnard, Bijou… Hamtaro…

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wtf The version I know is so different.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CBzd8KrKLo THIS ONE


I watched in Swedish, so I dont know, I just tried to search for an english version to be more international!

Oh, I’ve heard that one too!

Omg that autotune voice is so early 2000’s LOL


Was such a jam back in the day. Didn’t get much into the show as I did every other anime but stil, was cute asf.

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It was great fun times, yeah!

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