Homophobia in rp needs to cease

I wouldn’t fear from rping out something that exists ingame. Not much of a “weapon” tbh.

Sure. But there are GMs who decide if the report has any value or not.


If you want my advice then, if you really can’t change your stance. Instead of making forum posts that essentially just end up milking likes from people with the same thoughts, try to talk to those you are accosted by and change their minds, i’m willing to bet half of the RP community doesn’t even read the forums as is, or in the least, doesn’t take it seriously. But if you talked to those that hindered your enjoyment and explained, either simply or in-depth. I imagine those actually worth your time would end up shining through. You might even earn yourself a neat little friend group of rainbow colored besties.

Probably not. But the larger guilds on Argent Dawn tend to use the forums as a method of promotion and discussion, and if posts like these can influence the larger guilds, then maybe the smaller guilds will follow suit.

The alternative is just not saying anything at all and allowing something I personally find to be very inconsiderate go unchecked, and I’m past the point in my life where I allow such things to happen.


What makes u think we can only do one or the other lol

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yea honeslty homophobia in wow is possibly the stupidest rp you can do

warcraft is not the setting for it as it simply doesn’t exist in this universe


Well… this failed with the belf posters, so it will not always work I’m afriad, one can try, but if folk are so stuck up their on nose, then there is really nothing one can do but push them aside and not associate with them.

You can do both if you really want.

Do keep in mind though Zag that it also depends ‘how’ you go about talking with someone, not lowering oneself to a level of talking down to them, calling them names, clowns, what have you. It doesn’t help the case of trying to take someone seriously if they start acting like children, on both sides.


And if you can’t reach a conclusion that works for you both feel free to ignore each other and go about your day.

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i think instead i will condemn it on the forums for all time

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I believe I tried to be civil at the start, but one’s good will only lasts so far.

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It is not our job to educate homophobes in our leisure time. If they have questions and want to put an end to their ignorance, that’s great and I will happily explain things to them – but, as we’ve seen in this very thread, there are a great many people who don’t even realise the harm that their “reasonable, centre-ground” and utterly tepid takes can cause.

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No! Matthew, please! I have children I swear! have mercy.

Isnt this your leisure time right now?

Yes and he’s choosing to spend it educating you, he isn’t obligated to do it.

Phobos can make their own effort.


I enjoy forum debates, I do not enjoy having to engage directly with homophobes while logged into WoW.

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I’ll be honest, I did get frustrated earlier in the thread and I probably did word things in a curt, rude, and dismissive way, and I do owe an apology for that. But at the same time, you’re not stupid. You don’t have poor intentions, and I don’t think you’re a malicious person. Which made it all the more infuriating when it seemed like every effort was being made to avoid seeing eye-to-eye at any cost.


There’s an incredible level of naivety going on, in the strange refusal to accept the perspective of homosexual people on the topic of homophobia. You’d think that the LGBT demographic would have a better understanding of it, but apparently not.


My issue lays not with the task at hand, but the manner in which it is pursued, that is all. I’m not a fan of policing, hate mongering in either side, unless it is by the authoritative figure installed on the platform. IE blizzard. I had hoped to offer criticisms to engage and drive rather than brush aside. But I can’t force myself to play a tune for he who yells the loudest, I prefer to consider all sides or I won’t be able to give an honest in-good-faith answer on how I perceive the issues at hand.

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