Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Not taking a troller serious isn’t being rude, it’s something we oughta do, for sanity’s sake at the very least.
He isn’t a serious poster.

also kind of weird to call out people on the forums anyway, it goes against the forum ToS unless i’m mistaken (naming&shaming). even weirder to force some people to call out others?

think you can only name people present in the thread

or do so generally, such as ‘homophobic ppl IC and OOC are bad’, yknow, like we’ve been doing?


Precisely! It can be all sorts of things in the end. With myself it’s ADHD and brain fog combined so I can sympathise there. Heck, we can read great stories but sometimes it’s too hard to even fathom getting one paragraph down cause your mind is like ‘Durrr I read a few words and it just went out my head again’.

You can’t simply go “Too long, didn’t read” and then expect to have a meaningful discussion. It’s not how it works.

If you want to have an argument, you’re expected to read -THE- other person’s argument.

I still already replied to a summary of ur post, get back to me on that ok ty

I’m distinctly uninterested in reading the essays of nobody alts. Once someone shortened his post for him I was happy to reply :slight_smile:

Alright, so I’m automatically a troll because I’ve made a statement you can’t seem to refute? That’s hardly fair. I’m interested in creating discussion and raising awareness about this issue on Argent Dawn. My posting is serious. It once again just seems to me like you don’t like it when the finger is pointing in your direction.

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Which one (hint: not the PCU, Krasarang is not a member of that one)

What about? You’re more than welcome to drop a link

I don’t think I’ve made many claims re. my heroism in defending any community ever and don’t really think offering what basically amounts to basic common courtesy to my community’s members is something to brag about - in many ways it is probably the baseline that people should be offering anyway in this day + age

In many ways it is ultimately a selfish choice, even - making my community nice for the widest possible group of players is just really good for its growth in terms of scope, membership and the stories we can tell


Worst I had was anxiety following an event that resulted in me playing the Tortollan Shell Game for about ten minutes because I couldn’t remember where anything was.

Back on topic though: Homophobia is bad both in RP and beyond, but it’s difficult to enforce the “beyond” part. What people do behind closed doors is obviously harder to moderate.


Ahh i see so you were just to lazy then :+1:

Yeah and you once again resorted to dismissive deflection. “Oh, it’s just Morsteth memeing, yeah I don’t care about that.” As I said earlier, don’t be a hypocrite. It’s a problem IC and OOC, and there are OOC homophobes in our community. Deflect it all you like, it doesn’t change things.

You didn’t made a stamement mate, you just spouted things you really know nothing about.

I’m buddies with the two you mentioned? Care to show proof of that? Wait, you can’t, because I’m not, do some homework before you go spouting lies pal. :clown_face:

Yeah you get it. Gotta hold my interest if you want a response, and if the content of a post is uninteresting yet goes on for ages, that’s not happening.

Alright, give me 1x time where I said I care about what people do on discord.

My stance on all these issues, ERPers, homophobia, ppl who insist on gore rp has always been to just take it out of WoW.
This is no different.


I’d probably have to place a content warning, given the things that have been stated.

Also, just for the record. This isn’t about the PCU, I think you have a great community to be honest and you generate a lot of good RP for the server. It’s about individuals such as the two who I have mentioned who I think don’t help to promote and create safe roleplaying spaces on Argent Dawn.

In what way is anyone here responsible for kras btw
U realize he isnt part of the pcu right? Hasn’t been for ages and then some.

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You didn’t say you did not particularly care. But you’ve basically dismissed Morsteth’s comments. It’s still a dismissive attitude and I think given that, you don’t really have much credibility when it comes to berating and calling other players xyz. You’ve been doing that for the whole thread.

and how many did i berate for doing any of those things off WoW/Blizz platforms


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I dream of an AD community that can have discussion threads without the need for bringing up the subject of certain PCU members. Trying to get two-faced people to shut up has ended up with them being removed from certain discords in the past and I would think that trying to keep Morsteth quiet must be like herding cats.

Everyone has their opinion on them, but it won’t ever change, so don’t waste your breath. Back on topic please.

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Valley just sits in ADD worshipping women over 60, picking fights for no reason and comments with edgy political takes to get attention. Because of that and his vivid history with ERP he’s not allowed in PCU guilds or the discords.

Is this part of Perroy’s daily loyalty check to the LGBTQ+ cause?

Tehya: I do not care


Because community members on here who have been saying how important the ToC is associate with Kras, or know people that do and don’t seem to like it when they’re being asked about his comments and their knowledge of them in a thread about homophobia.