Homophobia in rp needs to cease

so in your society you’re always right and even the judge is wrong. cool

((are we talking about IRL societies or the azeroth now? guess what, homophobia is not part of the latter

and you’re not right in the former))

okay so based on what you’ve informed me of, we’ve established your friends here are uncivil (homophobes usually are), cool

so you do not stand by those points any more then? you also agree they’re homophobic (and have little place outside of nuanced takes in WoW)

Troll. (And more characters for the 10 limit)


The Wow moderators are not judges. They are people sat behind a keyboard paid to monitor this cesspit. That doesn’t make them the arbiter of morals.


I’m not going back to my previous arguments. As I have already stated.


Except I don’t see his quote as saying that, just that Azeroth matches the inclusiveness and diversity of the real world. Which is good, but it doesn’t make any statement in regards to homophobia being non-canon, am I saying it should be canon and feature in game, no. Just that I think it’s a grasp, and using it as an argument is bad.

But as I’ve said elsewhere, there’s plenty of evidence of people hating people for bad reasons, this is just another. Why even bother making this argument that there’s no canon examples when clearly we can argue this, rather than agreeing to leave it at “It’s against the ToS so keep it out.” and both go on our separate ways in agreement that it doesn’t belong in WoW RP if it breaks the ToS?

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The people writing the story have said that specifically so it’s literally the case

In the same way as they can say the world of Azeroth has two moons they can say that and it will be the truth because they are the ultimate authority on that matter

It’s absolutely not a bad faith argument - it’s pretty much the best argument there is. If you roleplay a character who lives in Azeroth and not some alternate reality, you should take all that setting entails


3 hours ago I posted in good faith attempting to understand your reasoning and pursade you, despite your generally hostile posting.
When it became incredibly clear with your own contradictions that this wasn’t about a misunderstanding in Orgrimmar, how you framed it initially, but you just straight up RP homophobic characters and you came with no good reason for it. My good faith was lost.

When people were mindlessly bashing you over the Orgrimmar incident I attempted to understand and you proceeded to dig your own grave.


Didnt know you still play, Dareeka. Thought youd be cracking dem jokes somewhere else, in roblox i.e - kids appreciate that type of humour

I do, actually, but I blame Zarental for offering me a distraction

I do and I will. You both are dumb self-centered remtards and if me saying that to you straight wont even slightly echo in your empty head - I can only offer condolences and continue making fun of you

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Again, reading comprehension. I explained my reasoning but you ignored it.

As you have your own.

If one can’t point to a single case of homophobia in the written lore, then it’s not canon. It’s just that simple really.


That + lead narrative man saying it isn’t a thing in the WoW universe.
P.S. Do people just not read Telaryn’s posts?


think they ignore most of the posts really

or the whole other thread

or the last 900 posts

because how else can people jump in with the same, not even slightly different takes, and continue arguing the same points that were debunked before?


You explained your reasoning, and it went from:
“My character is against public displays of sexuality, and stopped a gay couple, and I got railed on OOC for being homophobic”
“I have homophobic characters”
And you cited reasons for rping a homophobic character with the following:

  • There’s examples of sexism in wow
  • My character is not me
  • The gay couple might go and ERP and that’s TOS

Homophobia is against the TOS, does not exist in the wow canon and if you still feel the need to RP homophobia despite those two reasons, then yea, I will call you a homophobe. And that’s completely independet of your RL sexuality.

The fact that you then proceed to post for hours in your own defence against this accusation, resorting to misrepresent my accusation grossly is a betrayal of that good will.

Literally get a life, or should i be humbled that, good and gracious guy like you keeps me in his thoughts each night. You can keep crying and moaning about it for the next ten years, all i care. But hey whatever makes you happy in the end

I’ve stopped caring and even forgot you exist, Ta daaa! I won’t lose sleep over it.


And as I’ve already stated, just because there’s no examples of it existing doesn’t mean it cannon exist. In the same way we head-canon our characters into existence because of the fact they are grounded in things that can and do exist within the game world, so too can people come to hate people or groups of people for bad reasons, thus why I believe it is a bad argument and that we’re much better off focusing on the fact that it breaks the ToS.

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why do you respond then lol



what reasons exist in azeroth?

And you still wilfully ignore my explanation for why i have my Night Elf character have a problem with same-sex relationships. Let me remind you.


Yeah, but according to Mr Danuser that simply doesn’t exist in WoW. So anything you continue to post in favor is just cope from someone too broke to define a character in any other way.


and you’re still ignoring that homophobia doesn’t exist in WoW, so you’ve still invented homophobia into a setting that doesn’t have it or need it

but you’re right, the character can actually change, by removing the homophobia bit (by the author) from there :open_mouth:

Watch as this gets ignored as they continue to put their own “interpretation of lore” above what is ACTUALLY lore.