Homophobic threads have been blossoming on the forums lately

Wait, I thought we were all left leaning here.

God, I’m so confused.

Wait, no I’m not, I am tired of boring lazy generalisations though.

These things generally don’t - until they are shoved in my face 24/7. I don’t know why the 0,0001% feel they deserve representation completely disproportionate to their numbers.


Ah yes, the good ol “if you dont want this rammed down your throat constantly or you dissagree with me then you’re extreme right wing” argument. xD


Do you really think I missed the gender identity issue?

Fact that you even think I have no understandig of it is also quite arrogant.

In case you missed it, body type 1 and body type 2 are still genders. They only took away the word gender. How does this solve anything?


This whole gendering thing must stop. Every year it seems new ones are invented. Why? Because people who use them want to feel special.


I mean LGBTQ is just the flavor of this century. Better get used to it.
There has always been hot topics to discuss throughout history.

And there will always be people who oppose new ideas, even when they become the norm. That’s just how it is.
You got tools available to you, so that you don’t have to engage with people you don’t want to.

I treating your post as a abusive, if you allow people to complain that should be more lgbt plots in WoW, you HAVE TO allow people to complain that there is too many lgbt plots. You playing on this same plane what all activists “we can attack you, but you can’t defend or attack us because it’s a violation and you hurt our feelings”.


You sound kinda bigoted there friend. Might wanna use your powers of inclusivity to include all opinions, not just the ones you like.


Explains why everyone wants labels. We’ll said.


Dis be fine work mon. Well done, ya got de Darkspear spirit :+1:


Hate speech laws have been a thing for a while. These are not a brand new, “woke” idea.
If your opinion is harmful to others, then it should be kept to yourself.

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I disagree.
There are good ways to do things and poor ways to do things, no matter what the subject is. When something is done poorly, the result will always be push back from the community.
Blizzard have done things poorly and the entire push for universal rights feels more like a scramble to recover their tarnished image, rather than genuine empathy.


There is no hate speech in this Forum. If you think that, you dont really know Hate Speech.


You missed the point of poorly added. I died inside reading/hearing the campaign about Thiernax and his husband. The amount of times I read “My husband” was completely blown out of porportions. That would have been poor storytelling also for a straight couple in my opinion. It felt like them being gay was highlighted for awareness sake, and I am not sure that helps the case. Personally I think a more subtle approach would be more helpful.


Its pretty much “Believe everything I believe in or you’re a insert any wording to make you look oppressed by the other person here”.

This is the world we now live in.


No. Take Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” for example.
The moment people saw the actress was black, waves of hatred started flooding social media.
It was just one character being black, which had 0 impact on the story. And people, once again, lost their minds.

This whole thread is proof that I was correct in my initial statement:


Same ol’ debate forming here as in other threads

  • Game has a lot of gay characters and awkward dialogue to make sure people know. Borderline caricatures and pandering to salvage their image.
  • People are rubbed the wrong way by this and changes like Body Type 1 and 2, it feels disingenuous and sometimes a little intrusive upon their experience.
  • They voice it on the forums, some eloquently, others not so much.
  • Consensus is that it’s not the content that is the problem, but the manner in which it is conveyed, on the nose. Not subtle and often with poor dialogue.
  • “You are homophobes/bigots/right-wingers!”
  • And soon after all nuance is lost in political debate and people trying to walk on eggshells to get the point across.

Or you’re doing what many people do these days, taking a disagreement on very particular subjects and marking those who oppose you as right/alt right/extreme right-wing etc without knowing anything other than their opinion on said subject.


That’s because it indeed was a case of forced insertion.

H.C Andersen a danish popular writer from the 19th century, originally wrote the story, and she was portrayed as fair skinned. Obviously.
Why tamper with already existing content?

Just make a new show.
Black Panther was in general, very well recieved.
I’m against revisionism, let the original content stay true to it’s source.
We can discuss the right and the wrong about the content then.


It kind of has, at least for me as that movie is a symbol of my childhood and some people hold nostalgic values towards certain things. But that doesn’t make someone racist… not to mention mythology. Yes, it has 0 impact on the story, but huge impact on accuracy and nostalgia.

I know, F your feelings, but still.


Tbh for Blizzard that was subtle! They simply cannot write relationships or interactions between couples! Look at tyrande and malfurian (my loooooove where aaaaaare yooooou) and now lothermar and thalyssra. None of that is subtle or natural. Even nathanos and sylvanas was pure weird, how many times does he have to bow and call her “my queen” :nauseated_face:

Now if they all had arguments about whose turn it was to do the washing up or that one of them forgot to bring the other food home…