Honeyback bee mount for horde maybe?

I just got my bee mount recently and was thinking of playing horde for shadowlands but was disappointed when I knew about the bee mount “beeing” alliance only… Out of curiosity is there a reason for this? Lore-wise maybe? Would it bee possible to make it horde obtainable too?


It should be usable on Horde once acquire on Alliance. I don’t believe it currently works like that, but a bunch of the Horde mounts are usable on Alliance once unlocked to my knowledge so that’s a bit weird.

But ultimately I think faction specific treats once in a while is healthy. Just because Alliance/Horde gets something exciting doesn’t mean the other faction immediately needs the same. A bit of give and take is fine.


Yeah, I understand that when it’s something lore related. Maybe like an alliance armored mount, that is obviously not right for horde and vice versa. But for these kind of mounts? I probably missed something in the lore while farming this that indicates as an alliance only mount. If someone can point this out to me it would be awesome. And Yes, I realize that your are treating with humans and kul tiras but I don’t see the difference in doing a similar quest line in the horde with vulperas for example.

Or like the vulpera fans said to alliance players …

“Roll the right faction” ? I want many things Hordes have, but I cannot without being it.


As at least 75% of the Alliance-only mount list is horses and gryphons, it’s nice to have one that Hordies actually feel bad to be missing.


Meh, let people have fun.

But the horde version has to have spikes.

I have fun when i see Horde players get mad at not having a mount, just like they had fun at elves getting mad over tree.


Yet Goldshire still stands.

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Not on argent dawn :rofl:

For some reason the Alliance are permitted to use our exclusive mounts but we aren’t allowed to use theirs. It’s just one of those things.


Horde get the bigger population

Alliance get the bees!


True. Keep it as it is. :slight_smile:

Yes. Kua’fon is a good example of that. You drop the egg, then raise the baby pterrordax over the course of 3-4 weeks (can’t remember how long, but it was quite the journey). The honeyback harvester was essentially Alliance’s version of this. Yet, they can ride Kua’fon, but we can’t ride the bee.


Most of the BfA Horde mounts are Horde only. The only BfA mount I know of where Alliance can use Horde but the opposite isn’t true is the Child of Torcali /and Bee mounts.

We only have two quest line mounts and both can be used by Alliance.

My human on both mounts in Boralus…


Horde got a Pterodactyl mount as their equivalent, and it came before the Bee… fyi, where you need to farm for the egg first followed by a doing dailies for a month.

That is true, yes.

Though you have to admit that the BfA Horde faction mounts are generally way cooler than the Alliance ones.

Nope. No lore or specific reason. That was just a screw horde for no particular reason scenario.

Doesn’t matter anyways. There are plenty other mounts to use instead.


I personally love the horses but yes all they seemed to give the Alliance was horses.

Yeah but its not nice that the alliance have all 3 variations of the forsaken mount including the vicious pvp one (midnight karazhan) , personally I think getting the bee mount on ONLY Alliance is incentive enough to play on my Alliance , but should have been useable on the Horde, its whatever tho Shadowlands mounts looks good