Honor Gear Discounts Incoming

So many tears flowing about the ‘wg exploit’ that never even happened hahaha.
Stay mad and keep crying.
All we did was play the game. They butchered WG by making it a crossrealm BG and gave us a 30 minute window every 3 hours to queue.
Even the bluepost doesn’t call it an exploit.
You were all going to fall behind anyway.

but Kaivax this is why beta should of been tested properly to ensure this doesn’t happen on releases.

Kind regards Bws


What you and other exploiting POS people don’t seem to understand is that those of us - which seem to be many - who already have limited time, are forced to take the longer route to obtain the same result. Those of us with less, end up with less. This is a classic case of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


Tldr: i’m a casual and either way i would’ve fallen behind

Use your mute/ignore thing You will feel better

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Not an exploit. An oversight by blizzard.

This change doesn’t make sense at all.
I’m one week in and already fullgeared.
Yes I had 75k honor and 100 of each bg-token prepared because I’m serious about PvP.
I hit 80 on Friday, 4 days after the launch and the Wintergrasp Hotfix was already out, so no honor exploits for me.
But seriously, what am I supposed to do know? There is no reason beside “fun” to do any Battleground ever again

Who ever says “discount not big enough”, are you serious?`
One week! One week and I’m already done, this is ridiculous.
The honor grind is part of the long-term motivation, I remember back them doing daily bg with my arena mates, weeks after the season launched - but now?

Nothing else to do beside arena or gearing in another character, in 1 week.

I’m a casual and either way I would’ve fallen behind.

Sure, you’d still have to put in effort and time to do the BG grind regardless, the difference is people had to try less to get more, all because you had more time.

The honor is one thing, you can just do some extra BGs to make up for it. But there are a lot people with 3-4 BiS or near-BiS epic items from WG marks that will now take everyone else weeks to obtain.

Whoever made it ahead of the questing pack at launch also had to try less to get more.

I appreciate the changes, but you should fix your game too. WG lags like hell as soon as players fight and we got the Isle of Conquest daily again today. This battleground is not in the game yet, how could you have missed something that obvious or do you simply not care?

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I guess more should have taken off work and school and have full sunwell gear and the ability to grind dungeons with optimal groups for 3 days straight so you had access to these things.

/Scrub casual


So we’re all supposed to have hit 80 by now.

Shhh… or you’ll make it obvious Blizzard have these calculated moves to please the elitists.

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Use your mute/ignore thing You will feel better.

You’re right. I’m just annoyed by the repeated negligence and people justifying it.

I mean, we all pay the same price yet we don’t get the same product. Silicon Valley gets away with so much.

What do you think most exploits are?

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Exploits are when players go out of their
way to abuse a system flaw.

Simply queue for a bg isnt going out of their way.

And they still not fixed the RBG rewards :rofl: what a bunch of clowns

You sure are performing a lot of mental gymnastics to try and convince yourself you didn’t get an unfair advantage

Honestly i hope you’re only pretending to be such a waste of oxygen


So when ret palas back in cata could oneshot people because of a seal bug and some of em used that time window to climb rating like crazy they weren’t exploiting right?

They were just queing arenas after all


See the comment about going out of their way.

If this was a bug that came from normally doing your damage rotation then no. Its not exploiting. If they have to do gimmicky stuff it is.

See the diffrence?

Stay mad kid. Nothing unfair about hitting 80 before you did. Imagine wanting me dead because I play more than you. I honestly hope you get a permaban sooner rather than later for being such an enormous entitled crybaby.