Honor grinding being too time consuming

It is a good argument since those whining are retailers pretty much! :roll_eyes:

No, these people are just people with real life obligations who don´t have time to play wow 24/7 like minority of basement dwellers. And for these people which is a large majority honor gear is basically unreachable with these pathetic honor rates. I don´t care anymore but its simply a fact. Honor gear isn´t about skill, its just about how much time you spend in game. And average player with real life obligations simply cannot get honor gear rn.


The amount of honor you get from bg’s must be completely wrong from how it was before. I had several characters with full pvp sets and i didn’t play 24/7.

How it is now is really really wrong and I’m playing less and less too cause of it.

Most of all I want the honor gain to be a recreation of what it once was. If this is not the case, then Blizz please fix it. If it is equal to original TBC, then we simply must adapt.

Assuming they increase honor gain (yeah just by that it is a big assumption >.>)

Ins’t adding reapeatable quest that reward a flat amount of honor, tied to a BG objective, like “killing X player”, “capping a building” a better way to increase the rating than a simple %.

Also the quest reward can be tweaked, like the current experimental one. I’m not trying to be pro/con, just to imagine what could be the next phase of experimentation.

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