I agree that t5 should have awarded s1 items not s2 as thats the best available pvp gear atm.
More customers for the gdkp runs i guess. I wonder if price for tockens will go up.
I agree that t5 should have awarded s1 items not s2 as thats the best available pvp gear atm.
More customers for the gdkp runs i guess. I wonder if price for tockens will go up.
Do you have your glasses on?
Now they basically removing all the effort players made last season to get arena points.
The hate is that you can turn in SSC / TK tokens for season 2. But you cant get them by doing pure PvP?
So PvE’rs have an advantage over people who dont wanna PvE, inside PvP?
You can now go in the SSC / TK for 2 hours and get the same items that players WAITED ~3.5 months to collect. Nice head start early in the season, wiping away the effort others made.
PVE’rs already had an advantage because the PVE items needed in PVP are strong. Aswell, nothing was preventing them to farm honor before. But I agree, this change is contestable. I rather see it as a change that is inclusive. It is good for the player base we have in PVP, more people will come eventually.
You are making tbc much more alt friendly than it originaly was , which is a good thing .
Complete lack of communication is not . These changes should had been on the ptr/announced together with P3 so people would know
In all fairness this is good for PvP-ers also, it’s a fast way to gear alts with relevant PvP gear without going crazy from the grind.
Players who like doing “competetitive PVP” (arenas) don’t actually want to spend 100 hours in bgs for each alt but would rather start in arenas.
For me, the best change would have been to make that arena victories give honor too. It also would be an incentive to go in arena.
I agree that this infos should have been communicated before, we could have saved some marks.
Dont really agree with t5 → s2 gear, but overeall good changes.
Please fix resists btw and implement retail arena “not team” system
Funny how people forgot that originally S3 did not come with t6 and people who did not do PVE had to compete in S1/S2 gear against t6 weapons and such, yet the t5 token to S2 is the problem.
The real problem is listening to the community on this. Should have just left it how it used to be or minor honor increase.
incredible timing ones again… unbelievable how incompetant you guys are
Can someone explain the logic here, why can you exchange PvE gear for PvP gear again? How does that make any sense?
You saved your arena points in S2 during 3 months to catch up the gear and used your 5k arena points to get your full S2 ?
You have done the daily during 3 months in order to buy all your offset s2 and started to save honor for the s3 offset ?
Congratulations, you are an idiot !!
Blizzard is going to reward the no anticipation Bobbyz by « changing », at the worse moment, something that only should happens in P5.
We only asked for more honor inside the bg, not to get free S2 by cleaning 3 tokens’ nerfed boss in 2h.
You farm ? You play the game ? Blizzard doesn’t like you
peak boomer energy in here
“I had to pay more for something, so EVERYONE should”
they did slightly more than nothing, that’s a result with Blizzard.
honour from BG’s is still going to be trash though, they conveniently worded the whole post to dodge around the fact it’s still an enormous grind
This is the most exakt way to describe how i felt reading these news. Blizzard basicly just implemented A p2w condition for pvp. Join a gdkp run, buy all the T5 and get full merc. Absolute bullsh. Thank you for laying out the math showing just how stupid this is
Listening to the community is ALWAYS A MISTAKE. Players are NOT game designers. They do not know what’s best for the game or even themselves. I thought Blizzard had thick skin, I guess not
This was actually a thing in original TBC IIRC … it was added during Sunwell though.
This would only make sense if :
Doing this right now this is an excellent display of current level of incompetence
Leverage for Microsoft to offer a smaller acquisition price for blizzard
This is unbelievable. Wasted weeks farming marks and gear and now this. What is wrong with this company
We need to stop EU vs RU BG, you know it’s necessary.
The attitude in BG, especially AV, is not compatible.
“Wasted”. If playing = wasting your time then don’t.