The more I think about it the more pissed I’m getting.
My shaman reached 70 just before the end of s2. Spend weeks getting max honor and marks, grinding the bonus BG’s. Not doing PvE because I play PvP, and expect to fully gear that way.
Not only did I waste a massive amount of time now, my gear will also be significantly worse than people who do a few t5 raids and get full s2 (since I’m s1 geared with a pvp cloak).
And then to announce it hours before the actual release.
Absolutely disgusting. I know people on here always make these kind of statement, but this really feels like a reason to just quit.
Great change! Love to see more of this mindset moving forward. The catchup to S2 gear is welcomed. Arena should be more focused around skill and less about gear advantage.
Pretty sure that what people mean by “wasting” time is that they could’ve been doing something else in the game, so I kinda don’t see your point.
Though I’m also pretty sure that, no matter the timing, somebody would’ve complained anyway. Besides, keep in mind you’re always more likely to see critical than praising posts to begin with, since ppl who’re fine with things have less of a motivation to post.
Biggest argument back in BFA in a debate about Titanforging was that if one person puts in the hours, tons of effort and time to grind that one trinket that he needs, does +10-15 of the same dungeon every day and still can’t get that version of the trinket that he wants, but some random fresh max level has a chance to get that very trinket from +3, titanforged all the way to oblivion and believe it or not some people would actually respond to that with “why do you care about what other people have, just mind your own business” and we all saw how that debate ended, they fixed it only after people literally started quitting the game because of that, it was too late.
Could be said same thing on this particular case, my dude plans 2 months ahead, farms like a maniac, gets everything done only to find out that he could have just waited for an unexpected surprise and not only that, now EVERYONE can just go ahead and buy gold, join a gdkp run, buy tier tokens and exchange them to s2 gear and they will be right next to the guy who has bags under his eyes as far as pvp gear is concerned
Tell me how is that not unprofessional, incompetent and disrespectful, go ahead, justify it.
Do you realize that you are arguing that they should never make needed changes to the game, because there are people who have been grinding BGs? You are acting like they are out there to make you miserable. Have you considered that the more likely reason why they announced it now, is that maybe they decided it just now? Why would they hold out the information for 2months, just to make you miserable?
I have bought 15 or 16 pieces of the more expensive gear and used a lot time to grind the honor and marks, but who cares. What is important that they fixed the issue that should probably have been fixed 6 months ago.
You tell them m8! You could have been in the Arena saving lifes weeks ago, doing whats important . . Dont you just hate when 15 year old games waste your time?
Ive missed hours and hours of running on the bank roof myself. Thanks for nothing Blizzard!
let’s consider a hypothetical scenario where you worked 50 hours a week for the last month and your co-worker, who is in the same exact position and does exact same job as you - only worked 1 hour a week and at the end of the month you get the same paycheck, so your boss, while seeing your surprised face hits you with “well you still got your salary right? why do you care about what he got”
Go ahead, i’ll wait
Are you like 15? As long as the money I get paid is worth it, I don’t care. Now there is a lot issues with positions where someone else gets paid more due to, for example, their gender or something like that. But that’s a bit too complicated discussion to WoW forums. That talk blizzard should do in their own office 8)
No i’m not 15 and it’s not about what you got, it’s about your boss not letting you know that you could have done anything else instead of working and you would get full paycheck anyway
I do agree, but how do you know that they knew back then that they are gonna make this change? In my opinion they should have made the change on S2 PRESEASON, but did it happen during s2, no.
They had data from June 2021. Everyone knew from June 2021 that honor gains are low and farming full pvp gear takes ages. They could have planned a bit better and discuss possible changes to honor gains earlier, before ending s2. Not after offseason and 1 week of s3.
It just shows very poor planning/communication skills.