Honor Rate Increase with Content Unlock at Midnight CET

Yes because that way there will be less competition for the tockens and more ppl to raid with. Guilds, especially on low pop servers are strugling to get 25 players to get a raid going and a player with t5 from pvp is better than a green geared random from lfg chat.

From all the hate this change is receiving we can once again see that pvp-ers dont like to fight on equal terms (of gear at least, leaving class balance and individual skill aside).

Like the changes about world pvp objectives. The previous rewards were very bad, and these ones can motivate more people join these activities

Great change indeed. Yet you can’t deny the fact the announcement was a bit too late, but still better than nothing.
Wonder why ppl don’t cry about s1 stuff being available for honor - “oof we had to spend weeks in arena to get it and now you can get it simply by farming honor, no brain, damn PvErs”.
Also, you were able to exchange PvE tokens for PvP gear too if IRC, so almost #nochange lol, I just think back in original tbc it was implemented a bit later?

It’s like saying that in a drag race ALL THAT MATTERS is the driver, regardless of what car he drives, which leads me to believe that you don’t actually play the game


I see ppl complaining that you can just go to a raid and get some tokens, to put things in perspective… it took me 4 months to get my t4 shoulder token to drop.
Im pretty sure farming the set is faster than depending on some raid drops, if you are really unlucky you won’t be upgrading anything in the near future.

T4 and T5 Tokens will now be rolled on and reserved by people who don’t even need the PVE progression gear. Pug players that have to PVP to have any considerable gear will continue to get shafted now that between 9 to 24 guildies in a run will have incentive to reserve PVE items among them for PVP.

I love the honor gain changes even though I bought about 4 of my pieces over the last week. Oh well, better late than never.

Please revert this change, All it has done is make people coordinate with Alliance to constantly switch the towers in all zones, to essentially wintrade the objectives and quest. Same with the one in Terrokar, Neither side wants to win a battle, that makes it virtually impossible to get Spirit shards, Blocking a whole aspect of gearing a new character.

It is a quest you do and you get honor once. You can sit on a tower with 4000 alliance, cap it and leave, after that there is not more honor than a BG would give.

same here; but support cant do anything about it:

I bought my vindicator items for way to many bg tokens… can you return me the bg marks i overpaid for the vindicator gear? Can you please announce changes like this way beforehand as it completely wrecks gear planning… thanks!
1 hour ago
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
1 hour ago


This is your friendly neighborhood Game Master. I am sorry to hear that you are not happy with the item you purchased! I know how frustrating it can be when things in-game don’t work out like you expect >.<

The developers want the choices you make in-game to be impactful, and so customer support is not able to offer any sort of refunds for things purchased with in-game currency. I would recommend taking care whenever a purchase is made to ensure that you are getting the item that you want.

I am sorry we weren’t able to give you the answer you wanted, and I hope this doesn’t sour your opinion of the game. If you have any further issues, please feel free to contact us at any time through the in-game support system or at: Blizzard support


I’m happy with the gear… BUT i bought vindicator gear with twice the intended bg marks:

see this blue post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/honor-point-improvement-suggestion-for-tbc/1167658/2

i took care planning for my gear but this “bug fix” #changes was just rushed in after i bought my items! Without any prior warning!
i don’t want a refund, i want to keep my vindicator items but want a restitution of too many bg marks paid.

I hope this is more clear now.

22 minutes ago

more people are wondering this: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/honor-rate-increase-with-content-unlock-thur-jan-27-at-300-pm-pst/1174601/16
10 minutes ago

Bal’a dash, malanore!
Game Master here.

Sorry to hear about such unpleasant things. I am also playing and clearly understand your frustration.
As you know, Customer support is not a part of Devs team, therefore we have no possibilities to do what you are asking for: we simply have no such rights and instructions.

Please do not forget sent your feedback and ideas to our Develeopers.

Here you can see how to send suggestions for World of Warcraft:

Best regards,

Blizzard Support,

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