Great changes ! People will cry no matter what Blizzard do. It doesn’t really matter for a real pvp players that others can get s2 gear with T5 tokens, in PvP all that matter is the skills, even if you have full s2 gear but got it all from PvE and you have no clue about PvP you’ll still get clapped in arena. Also for the people not happy with Blizzard not announcing it earlier so that they wouldn’t have lost their marks - if Blizzard didn’t do this change you wasn’t going to cry at all right now, but when they made it, you are unhappy that you lost your marks, just face it and move on ! Keep it up with the changes, next on the list is realm population fix !
- Tier 4 and 5 tokens can now be exchanged for season 1 and 2 gear at tier vendors.
This is outrageous and wholly devalues the efforts of those of us who have been playing arena each week, building up points to prepare for the new season. The other changes I can live with, but I feel so strongly about this that I have cancelled subscriptions for both of my accounts.
Please urgently reconsider this.
Imagine thinking everyone buys now all the gear in gDKP. The difference between s1 and s2 is not that high.
PvE loot is like roll the dice and it is also possible you dont get any loot in gDKP for minium bet.
Sure it is bad when you have farmed so many hours. I did it too. But im more happy that many player have a better start in PvP. My friend told he will start gearing his alt and we can play different combs in arena. I really welcome this. Who cares when any 1300 rated people have good gear. They cant play anyway.
People still need to grind the gear after the change. If you have the gear now and play 2000+ than why even bother? You get season 3 items anyway without any problems.
It only hurts the people who play 10+ hours a day and enjoy to win because they put more time in the grind. Anyone who played arena past season and played like 1700+ got atleast 1500 arenapoint converted to 15.000 honor.
So what?! Enjoy it, play with your friends or gear an alt.
It’s on par with letting players buy T5 tokens with Badges of Justice.
Presumably you think it should work the other way around, too?
That is, players who have never set foot in a raid should be able to exchange arena points for t5 tokens in order to get more people into PvE.
everyone is a gangsta untill they meet full pvp geared 1300 keyboard turning / backpeddling human sl/sl lock and rdruid in 2s as double dps
Change is good overall. Maybe not T5 for S2 gear this early.
But the timing for the release of it a few days after most people bought all the gear was possibly the worst timing they could have done.
It’s a bad change for new/returning PvE players because they will now compete for the tier tokens with people that already have them, simply because they can be exchanged for PvP gear now. Good for players that already are decked out in T5 and can now get into PvP a lot easier if they want to tho.
Don’t think this will make Battlegrounds any better though. People are still going to premade and make PvP a living hell for anyone who would just like to casually solo join a battleground.
The problem is not in the Russians, but the unwillingness to do PVP.
Relax there homeboy, problem is not unwillingness to pvp, problem is unwillingness to be a random punching bag for organized 50% healer ratio premade with flasks
Again this stupid dumb troll, just shut up already
I’m sure this change is meant to come across as a bonus, but it just feels like a kick in the teeth. Why wait until 1 week into the season to drop the price on all the gear many players have just bought following hours of grinding? I appreciate the sentiment, but the timing of the announcement is terrible. Couldn’t this change have been announced a week or two earlier?
The token change just rubs it in even more. On my alt I just started pvping on I bought S1 legs+helm+gloves this week, I’ve got T4 head+leg tokens in the bank that I could have used, and spent my honor on the legs+shoulders instead of using the rep gear. I just wasted all that time for no reason. On my main I held onto all the arena points for weeks to catch up on disc gear in S3 (I didn’t play much S1). I made the hard call not to get the S2 spellblade. Now I learn I could have just bought the S2 spellblade and easily grabbed the S2 disc gear for T5 tokens.
At the very least the S3 mark reduction and the T5 for S2 should be delayed until phase 4 as a catch up mechanic. I’m just an average pvp’er, but I feel this change could alienate as many existing pvp players as new ones it’s meant to encourage.
Wow, unbelievable how many people are against this amazing change.
The honour grind took WAY WAY too long.
I also grinded marks + honour before the change but I’m not angry that other people now don’t have it so bad. Why would I be mad that the process has been improved? That is just bitterness.
You genuinely do not get it, do you? people aren’t upset because other people will have easier time, people are upset because TURNS OUT they didn’t have to go through that either, only if someone understood the importance of communicating about these things in advance… only if…
Seems like a silly attitude to have, why not just be happy that they actually made the change?Imagine if they never changed anything just to avoid annoying some people??
I never said that it was a bad change, I’m saying that they chose the worst time possible to implement this change and the fact that they never said anything about it in advance makes it that much more dramatic, that is where our disagreement lies
stop hitting yourself in the face.use the wall
These changes will be great for new people getting into PvP now but they really feel like a slap in the face for people that grinded for a whole season.
I got into PvP on my alt (I mostly do PvE) at the beginning of season 2, only having blue PvP faction gear (quite unfair to people that did the BG grind in S1 but at least that set was 1 tier lower than S1 arena gear). I slowly grinded honor and arena points, spending the whole season in that terrible gear with the goal of getting close to the honor and arena points caps before the end of the season. The time finally came and I was finally able to get my full Merciless set and few days later I got my Vindicator gear. Now people will be able to get to my same level of PvP gear with a fraction of the effort.
I realise refounding half of the marks will be a hustle (it would also be the fair thing to do) but handing out Merciless pieces for T5 tokens is just wrong. You are comparing 3 weeks of casual arena grinding (900 points) to killing 1 terribly nerfed boss. Please consider making T5 tokens tradeable for S1 arena gear instead.
I’m not going to continue playing a game if my progress can arbitrarily be undone on a whim without any warning.
amazing how many people just play pvp for epics and not because they enjoy it xd