Honor reset on WOTLK launch?

Can we please have clarity on whether honor will be reset upon WOTLK launch or not?

Everyone who is doing BGs atm is just living in limbo not knowing if their work be worth it, or if its even worth doing BGs for anything else then acquiring TBC gladiator gear.

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there was never a honor reset ever in this case

so no, no reset


Just because it didn’t reset then doesn’t mean they won’t do it now.

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im intrigued by this bizzare obsession with getting gear as fast as possible so you can log off in dala for 3 months waiting for the next patch


I’m equally intrigued by your bizarre assumption that PvPers log off in Dalaran after they have acquired full gear. What a mindbogglingly dumb post. Do you go around in public as well, proclaiming your assumptions/prejudices towards strangers on the street?


strike a nerve, did i?

I’m intrigued you think people gear up for the purpose of not playing the game?


Blizz will probably tell us day before wotlk launch … count 2-3 days+ for EU forums …

I feel like I am talking to some MAGA grandpa yelling at random people walking on the sidewalk: “Are you mad now libtard? Go cry to your mother, snowflake”.

But yes, people spewing random dumb takes that are totally irrelevant to the conversation strikes a nerve in me.


i am intrigued that people are so concerned about whether or not honor will be reset. it sounds almost like these people do not want to play pvp for the enjoyment of it, thus i am also led to believe that these people are searching for something they can’t get from a video game. which under the surface is really what I was getting at with my original comment.

so heres my predicament. why do people want to do something they dont want to do (and im assuming is causing them stress)?

honest question, do you think putting yourself through suffering (beit temporary) will help you attain happiness? maybe, but just for a fleeting moment. because you are filling* that void you feel in your heart with artificial placebos…

this explains why so there so much anger in these comments lol. i know its hard to face the truth.

just the garbage modern philosophy on full display here… peace

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i am not sure why you are bringing prejudice and politics into this. do you have something you want to get off your chest?

See this little statement really shows your true colours in this thread. You had already come to your conclusions before you posted and you just wanted to bask in your own smugness.

They don’t want to spend a lot of time doing something for reset progress. Doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy it, but they might have other higher priorities. I’ve played guitar for over 20 years, I love it, infact I make my living playing music and I enjoy it… But if I wasn’t getting paid for playing guitar I would not be turning up to these shows and events to play? Why? Because I would have higher priorities. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it, I do.

Someone might enjoy PvP, that doesn’t mean they want to spend hours and hours doing it every day for just the pure enjoyment… People are PvP’ing to get a head start so they can use that gear in Arena.

You can’t really be this tone-deaf to the situation?


This is simultaneously the most pretentious and cringe reply I have ever seen. Trying to use pseudo-psych terms to analyze random peoples life philosophy based on how they play the game is so incredibly cringe. This is some high-school edge-lord kid “I have figured out life” level cringe. Just stop, unironically go touch some grass and stop prescribing life advice to randoms like some Jordan Peterson disciple.


wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. but small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.

You’re so cringe it’s hilarious, you realise you’re on a World of Warcraft forum? I think you can look in the mirror and be confident you’re going through the wide gate mate.


There is no reset, thats it

Its like thinking they reset ever player level back to lvl 1.

“Never happened but doesn’t mean they won’t do it now.”

You want a company to clarify something that was never even a topic nor ever was done and is completly made up.

so tldr.

there is no honor reset. Its classic and its how it was back then and if there is something diffrent they announce the changes beforehand. But all changes are already on beta and this honor behaviour is as it allways was.

Somehow it’s true.

People reaching theirs game objectives faster mean they’ll reach the point of boredom faster which mean stop the game or play less.

But, being able to get 2-3 PvP part is a matter of few hours so it doesn’t really matter

No it doesn’t reset, you don’t need to ask

Why? because being honor capped doesn’t change much

you get like 1 piece? big woop, not to mention honor is inflated and easier to come by in Wotlk from what I remember.

Not that smart are you.

it’s not about facing the truth. It’s about you making huge assumptions and borderline insulting pvper.

And the concern is legitimate: i’ve brought an alt to 70 last week, and he has quite a bit of honor from leveling up. It’s too late to play him at 70 (he won’t catch up to an enjoyable power level before wotlk release).

If the honor doesn’t get reset, I’ll keep it for when he reaches 80. If the honor gets reset, I should buy pvp gear for the 70-80 leveling. I might lose all that honor by making the wrong choice.