Honourless Kills

I like many others am fed up of landing at a flight point to be greeting by a group of alliance players. Aren’t you suppose to be an honourless kill after landing at a flighpoint? Are these kills counting towards their weekly quests? How about tweaking the honourless system so that ganking at flight points is pointless for everyone?


" Uzani

3 posts

107 Troll Priest790


This whole honor debate is a huge misunderstanding. You see, honor is something you accord your equals. Why would the butcher honor the cow?"

quoting a horde player…“Why would the butcher honor the cow”… You see alliance as cows to butcher… Seems the tables have turned, the cows are butchering the butchers…

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Use mount and avoid fllightpoints - Problem solved, next patient.


Kinda easier and faster to disable WM :smiley:

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So it’s just a revenge thing and not about the quest? Actually makes it better

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this use of flypaths is really disturbing either way. would you use an unsafe route in enemy war territory? Where you dont know what awaits you there? And where you know the location of this path is well known?

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No honor in war. War is trickery.

When armies go to war, they dont greet at each other and try to conduct a one vs one challenge. But a rule of thumb is to never engage in a enemy alone, always try to outnumber him.

So a battalion would attack company
Company would attack platoon.
Platoon will attack squad
Squad will attack section

Bigger would eat smaller.

This is unified rule within military across the globe.


More like cows got an incentive to actually kill horde :smiley:

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Good point, but will be lost in the noise of Alliance justifying how this is a cool way to farm kills for their (rightfully nerfed) item :rofl: :sunglasses:

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But…if we disable wm you lose your shiney. Then the forums will be full of other qq posts…a vicious cycle.


Thank you little gnome. That’s my whole argument! All the people that fried with Teldrassil was just casualties of war.




If there’s a quick way to do something, why would you not do it. I am not a fan of doing quests, just want done quick. Then after, I can just kill kill kill without thinking about a quest. I don’t always camp fps, wqs tend to have better traffic. But why not? Horde have more numbers, lfg that fp gank group lol. Or… just avoid the ganking fps? Use map.

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