Guild : We Camped Zalazane
Server : Razorgore
Faction : Horde
A nice group of people enjoying the game while being most efficient in smashing its challenges
and having great fun at the same time.
Why choose We Camped Zalazane?
BWL 8/8 ✓
MC 10/10 ✓
Onyxia ✓
Healthy, enjoyable and a fun atmosphere!
descrimination & toxicity doesn’t exist in our community!
If you want to enjoy playing the game while being a part of a family
this is the guild for you!
What we’re expecting
Respect other members of the guild.
90% attendance to raids.
Preparing fully for raids is expected.
Raiding experience is a bonus.
Bring Cookies. (mages are expected to bind conjure water to 1.)
clock1 Raid schedule (server time)
Thursday 19h30 - 23h00
Monday 19h30 - 23h00
DKP is used as a looting system with the fairest possible rules. (no bias loot council here)
Current Recruitment
Druid - 1 x resto Druid
Hunter - Closed
Mage - Closed
Rogue - Closed
Priest - Closed
Shaman - Closed
Warlock - Closed
Warrior - 1 x dps warrior
Any exceptional players are considered.
*If you are not on Razorgore server and you are an exceptional player and serious about raiding
we will handle the server transfer fees! (no Joke!)
Contact by Discord:
Message Saitama#9059 , Ginola#2512 , SuicidalMonkey#5863, Django#2580 on discord
Contact in-game:
Ginola, Sereia, Berghainer, Felreaver, Nightwalker, Django, Saitama, Safiyah