Why is this not implemented yet?
Cos who’s gonna come claim your bounty after you ganked 10 lowbies in Dun Murough?
Counts only for max level players. Right now as it is, when you hs to Kalimdor, Northrend or EK, you lose the infamy. Shame. And BFA zones are boring to gank.
But who is there to really fight you in non-BFA zones?
Also, if you heartstone away then you are a coward and no longer deserve the buff! ^^
No. The zones are just boring. I’d rather continue ganking people in Stormwind and by having that bounty, give the Alliance incentive to hunt me. That’s what I had in mind.
They’ll hunt you down anyway but in the end you are a Rogue - you’ll most often be invisible!
I’m not alone, I have a full raid of rogues. But back to the topic. As it is now, the only thing you get from this type of pvp is the infamy, which is fine. But it could’ve been so much more.
Oh so you are all going to be invisible then! That wont be terrifying all on its own at all! ^^
But honestly yes, there was a ton of things they could have done with War mode, PvP and WPvP in BFA. Your idea would have been great if they had implemented some ideas to make the old World relevant.
Sadly they did not and I wouldnt want to derail your thread by going off on one about all the potential they wasted!
Infamy doesn’t really exist now with cross realm systems.
I reckon i’ve killed a few 100 different bountys since the start of bfa and i cant even remember one of their names, everyone has become a class colour and not a name.
We play on Argent Dawn, rp realm, so there still is a lot of infamy, because there is no sharding on rp realms. I run a guild full of rogues, who are all transmogged and names the same, so we are basically one person. If you want to see what we do, check our video on youtube “The Rise of The Highlord”. In the description you can see what we do.
Do you have an guild page i can join, been looking for you guys for ages?
Add me on battle tag, MilanGrujic#1256
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