Horde and alliance ratios on servers

It’s time to put limit to new character creation when theres too many of one the faction , all EU server are such a mess it’s beyond annoying , nobody likes it , when the server is 90% or 80% of one faction it’s just unplayable , I think servers should be at worst 60% of one faction not more. And on every server , it should say what is the percentage of each of the faction , so that new players or returning players will know and see what they joining it , and I bet most of those ppl will not choose to make a character when it’s 90% of one faction on the 90% faction side , there should be really something , to let ppl know what they joining , even maybe some sort of a massage when you make new char or something to say what are the percentage of the factions currently , before going all in.


Your not allowed to lmfao.

You cant sell a product, then refuse certain options to them, theyd be liable to recieving alot of refund requests based on breach of customer rights lol.

As a player your entitled to play alliance or horde and have access to everything included in the advertisement when purchasing.

You cant tell someone they csn be alliance or horde, then when they start, they cant play with their friends because hordes off limits on tbeir server.

Your going to remove the ability for people to join the game to play with their friends, while breaching false advertisement.

If nobody liked it, it wouldnt exist. Lol this is entirely in players control to dictate, if the majority wanted balanced servers theyd be balanced.

This failed on retail, and its failed everytime on classic, nobodies interested in balanced servers. The higher rhe opposite faction is, the larger the amount of players u csnt play with. Which by default makes lfg and more slower.

The issue is:

The vast majority want mono factions and play pvp servers for “status”. Or out of belief these servers will have the most players to do arena / bgs with. But have no interest in actual world pvp.

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