Horde bias: emotes

I mean… Yeah /moo is bis…
We horde /moo ghun/jaina/az/nzoth and they insta die.

So fierce, so strong.

No one spoke about exploits or pve progression in this thread except you to try and derail it

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Only you writing a post means the topic is already derailed. :rofl:

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Because trolls like you come here and post random irelevant stuff with impunity

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I know you answered 26 days later just to keep your trash tier whining threat alive, but honestly by the time you call others “trolls” something serious is happening to this world. :rofl:


Says a Horde who has no idea what kind of bias they have.
We Alliance have to wallow in the mud with our bad emotes while Ion writes Horde emotes love notes at work!

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It was derailed and sent crashing into the embankment as soon as the guard blew his whistle, raised his flag and the little steam engine went “toot toot!!” before screaming “I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!”

It’s a shame because he did entertain me at the start but he just got… ridiculous.

Even I know when to lay off the “Souldefíler The Splendid” and her “statues and monuments” shtick.

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Ok, i will be 100% honest with you.
I didnt understand a thing, your writing is way too advanced for my current state of english knowledge :rofl:

He basically means Retri used to be funny but now finds him boring and annoying .

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Halasibel? Is that you?

Maybe I shouldn’t be writing this…but
Both Tauren and Highmountain Tauren have their own /moo emote.
Which is kind of weird if you stop and think about it, since Highmountain Tauren are actually moose, not cows.
It should be more of a /Brååå or the sound that moose make.

Worgen /sniff says hello…

Also, they have a real roar as their /roar.
The only Horde race that got that is the Pandaren, and they aren’t even Horde exclusive.

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I like LFD and draenei emotes.

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I really like the females’ voices.

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Why isn’t there a unique tail, hoof or horn emote?

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I agree, I prefer regular draenei voice more though.

Considering how Blizzard like draenei, there is no surpise that there are not any.

I do like the Vulperas emotes

The goblin /rude emote with the big forehead L for loser sign is clearly superior to all.

it doesnt have a unique sound so its not superior at all

When you see it, you hear that rough new joisey accent yelling “loosah!” in your head. Absolutely psychologically devastating.