Horde bias: emotes

Why do horde models have the best emotes?silly/ dance/rude/charge/forthehorde. All are well designed and exciting.

Meanwhile alliance one are bland, weird and in general boring. /forthealliance squeels, roar like a cat being stepped on etc

on top of it all. horde have /moo emote?? where is the equivalent of alliance only emote??


Originality - 3/10
Effort - 1/10

Low quality weekend post.


Because…:notes:WERE SIMPLY THE BEST!!:notes:


Last time I did a /moo in front of a Kul Tiran female I had to run for my life.

No, ty.


Alliance can’t /moo?
Only Tauren make a sound when you /moo though, not all Horde.

My go-to emote is /drool anyways


You might wanna talk to a forsaken embalmer to have that jaw fixed.

ye where is the equivalent for alliance?? where is the ORIGINAL 1 emote only alliance can do?? even if 1 race

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there is - /sniff does an animation and a sound for Worgen but not for other races


Well, maybe because the only one you guys use is /spit… :woman_shrugging:


and what do they do? is there a cool visual or iconic sound? NO

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yes there is - make a worgen class trial and try it out. it’s both a sound and an animation. It’s about as cool / not cool as the Tauren one and it’s an Alliance-only emote. Exactly what you asked for :smiley:

Technically, Horde only has a custom emote with a sound.
Alliance has a custom emote with a sound AND an animtation.

Alliance has a more advanced custom emote than Horde :slight_smile:


  • Tauren are the only race that produce the proper sound effect when the “/moo” emote is used.
  • Worgen are the only race that produce the proper sound effect and animation when the “/sniff” emote is used.

What I need to say though, is that Blood Elves have by far the cutest /cheer


I straight up didnt know that, il go home later and try to sniff myself xD


1/10 originality
5/10 effort

low quality reply by the hater group :slight_smile: keep em going


I went and looked up and as sure as rain the belf is right.

  • Tauren are the only race that produce the proper sound effect when the “/moo” emote is used.
  • Worgen are the only race that produce the proper sound effect and animation when the “/sniff” emote is used
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and i just did that emote, it’s so insignificant no one uses it or notices it

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So is /moo though

I havent seen it myself to be honest, will need to look for myself when i get home

crying as a zandalari balance druid! The only emote my owl has is a dance animation ^^ troll form is okayish.

  • You know, I have to keep moving at night, or I’ll disappear.
  • Actually, I’m more of a… Morning Elf.
  • You know… Wisps are actually pretty useful for personal hygiene.
  • I think guys just use the Emerald Dream as an excuse to avoid calling me back.
  • Oh, look, I’m dancing again! I hope all your friends are enjoying the show…

no. moo is iconic. from vanilla till now. when a tauren /moo everyone notice that.

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