Horde cities suck

I will never play alliance. They are my enemy and I will fight them until they are gone.

Stormwind has many many generations of history. Whereas Orgrimmar doesn’t.

It is Alliance bias. Plain and simple.

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You realize most of these were created nearly 20 years ago, right? They are fine for me. Orgrimmar is super practical and the Undercity has a cool vibe.

With Garrosh at the helm, I think brutal, savage and wild was the driving orc Horde theme.

Unfortunately, the forsaken also tend to blight the heck out of everywhere making a mess (eg. Southshore).

Hopefully this will change a bit now Sylvannas has gone and a new Council is taking a breath between wars.

It is difficult to build new stuff while stamping on everyones toys.

Other than that maybe kick all races but elves from Horde for the pointy tower theme to dominate. :woman_shrugging: :wink:

For someone who writes posts about the Story and lore alot. He seems to neglect the story and lore behind the reasons for these cities aesthetics.

The council is not the legitemate government. Calia is merley a usurper who tries to undermine the Horde war efforts.

Curious to know who you think should run the Horde ?

dunno. i always loved round cities. i used to stay in UC and IF. probably because i tend to be dazed in mazes and labirinth.

if you like fancy houses/buildings then Alliance is your fraction but lore wize i prefer horde its more chaotic more brutal they are a bit the Clingons from star trek brutal warriors and there city’s represent that.

Even Klingons have cities. All the Horde has is tents and mudhuts.

so what nobody forces you to go in to them.

Tribal people don’t have actual cities who would have thought? :thinking:

Humans used to be barbarians too. Didn’t stop Blizzard from turning them into an agral society that builds real cities in record time. Stormwind, Boralus and Dalaran are a testemony to their adaptiveness. Meanwhile Orcs still fight with sticks and axes.

I like everything as it is.
If I wanted to play with Alliance aesthetics, I would play an Alliance character.

In fact the main reason I don’t play Alliance is because the Blood Elves fill everything I would want on the Alliance side.
Heck I can even mog their shield crest, with aegis of Stormwind.

I loved Zuldazar and the soundtrack behind it. Too bad :pensive: we had a faction conflict ruining, what could had been a great expansion where the Horde and the Alliance has their own separate quest areas.


Humans were tribal hundreds if not thousands of years ago. Orcs were tribal until the formation of the horde so like 30 years ago?

You’re comparing apples to oranges.

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And it took the humans less then a century to spread all over the north and build their city states where they go. No other race on Azeroth had ever this much of a rise to power handed to them.

I think bilgewater should be made bigger.
Like real bustling city with dark alleyways interesting shops and the like.
I mean bilgewater is only using about half of their island for building, why not expand?
Why not give people a reason to visit it?

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Suramar>Any other cities.

Suramar is under the Horde, so be proud to have the best city in the game.

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It is not. It is full of hostile mobs. The Nighthold alone doesn’t make a city. You can’t access the bets parts like the Arcway or the court of stars.