Horde cities suck

The Horde must triumph. And the Alliance will be destroyed. After we get better cities.

And you wonder why people won’t or can’t take you, your threads or basically anything you say seriously… :roll_eyes:

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You’ll never get better cities, look what the Horde does with the land they conquer…

Azshara: Goblin theme park from Hell.
Ashenvale: Slashed, burned, and ruined (The bits they took over, anyway).
Hillsbrad: Plague-covered wasteland.
Shadowmoon valley (BC version): blasted to a nice wasteland-styled crisp.
Draenor (BC version): Literally falling apart.

The Horde could conquer the whole world and still just have mud huts with spikes on them for cities, so if the priority is as you say (Better cities first, unrealistic fantasies of conquest later), we’re safe.

Alliance must be defeated and their lands taken away from them.

Good old Erevien! How are you doing today friend?

Still waiting on Suramar becoming an actual faction city. Just stick one of them phasing bronze dragons outside for people who want to experience old content outside of chromie time.

Zul’Dazar is alright but feels annoying after a while. Also can’t stand that Disney end credits theme tune.

Make Suramar the capital city of the Horde, it is magic inclined so portals make sense, it’s quite central in it’s location-- albeit on another world. And it looks awesome, one of my favourite zones with lore and like Gilneas/Silvermoon, it has been mostly abandoned.

Keep that barbaric, primitve and uncivilized filth out of our noble and ancient city! :rage:

To save money they don’t even build cities for all the new races people keep clamering for. Just give them a camp in the corner of Org. Goblins and foxxies as an example.

Please please Blizzard. Failing that at least rebuild Silvermoon and make it Horde capital. I really want to play blood elf but don’t want my main hub to be Orgrimmar.

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